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The next day.

I get out the car. It's raining so I have my royal blue and mauve umbrella. I wave goodbye to my driver and walk towards the school.

"Zuki!" Akira exclaims, walking towards me, holding her cranberry red umbrella.

"Hey Kira," I smile.

"How was your evening yesterday?"

"It was nice," I reply. "The homework was really light actually."

"Yeah,the school doesn't really care about grades."

"Just to gamble?"


"Azuki! Akira!" Bara voice calls.

We turn to the girl who is running towards us, with her friend walking close behind her. She doesn't have her umbrella but Kanna has her indigo one.

"Good morning," Me and Akira say.

"Morning," She says.

"Likewise," Kanna says.

"That match was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yeah," I say. We walk into the class. There are a bunch of people walking up to her. Talking to her. She talks to them back and walks to her seat. She's popular with everyone. Even to the housepet.

We sit down when the bell rings and the teacher walks in.


Bara walks to me and Akira.

"Do you want to have lunch with us in the cafeteria?" She asks.

"Sure," Akira says. I nod in agreement.

"Yayyyy!" She jumps, "Let's go!"

We walk to the cafeteria.

"Hey Bara?" I ask.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Why did you let me keep the money you won?"

She sighs and closes her eyes. "Well... I don't like winning a gamble with someone new to the school," she explains. "I don't even like bullying the housepets, I'm not sure why the council enforce it."

"Power dynamics or something," Akira says.

We make it to the cafeteria and we sit at a long table.

"I will get the drinks," Kanna says.

"No Kanna, I'll go," Bara says, getting up.

"No no, sit down, I will be fine."

"You sure?"


"Ok," she turns to us. "What do you guys want to drink?"

"Butterfly Pea tea, without lemon juice," I say.

"A Hibiscus tea," Akira says.

"Ok, I will be right back," Kanna walks off.

"Has Kanna alway been like that?" Akira asks.

"Yeah, shes serious like that," Bara smiles, "since we were kids."

"I got another question if you don't mind," I say.

"Oh no, it's fine, ask away."

"When you told me to keep the money, your eyes were glowing, like a baby pink sort of color. Why, or how, does that happen?"

"Oooohhhh that, yeah we don't know wht that happens, but it happens when we're excited or something. It always turns to our favorite colors."

"That's it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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