A Hero's Welcome

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The makeshift hospital ward was, all things considered, a pleasant place for Yamaguchi to find himself. When he woke up from his explosion-induced coma some week after his escape from the colosseum, he was just happy to be alive.

It was quiet when he first came to, a blessed quiet borne from the exhausted peace that had settled over Odanii. Yamaguchi could, from a close distance, hear the laboured breath of other bedridden patients as they rustled their thin bedsheets, restless even in sleep. Yamaguchi, too, had a need to move. Even though the outside world was void of the usual screams and clashing metal that indicated battle, Yamaguchi felt the need to be useful, to do something. So, in the dead of the night, freshly awoken, he got up and made his way for water.

Or, rather, he attempted to.

It was dark in the medical ward, and Yamaguchi was half numb; attempting to walk first thing after his wakefulness wasn't his cleverest idea. Instead of the shaky but efficient strides that he expected, Yamaguchi instantly lost his balance as his right foot failed to connect with the ground, and he collapsed to the floor. In his doing so, he made a grab for his cot and brought it down on top of himself in a loud clatter.

Near instantly, from somewhere off in the far side of the building, a lantern light bobbed closer as whoever carried it ran towards Yamaguchi. The dimly glowing thing was held by none other than Akaashi, who, with his furrowed brow and watery eyes, looked very worried indeed.

"There you are, up now, maybe save the walking for a little bit later, hmm? You still need to rest." Akaashi murmured as he righted the cot and helped lay Yamaguchi back down.

Despite everything, Yamaguchi smiled up at his friend, "Akaashi! You're here, Tsukki brought you, then? Please, tell me, how is everyone?"

Akaashi's eyes softened, and he pulled a wooden stool to Yamaguchi's bedside, "I'll fill you in as best I can, but you'll get a better story when the rest of us come to visit." He spared a glance at the undefined forms of the others who slept in the room, "And perhaps keep your reactions as quiet as possible."

And thus, while he sipped on tea given to him by Akaashi, Yamaguchi learned of the Nekarasi crew's journey and struggle to find him. It was all a very touching story, and in the state he was in, Yamaguchi couldn't help but cry. His friends had done so much, all for his sake. Everyone had left the only security they had ever known, potentially forever, all in the name of helping Yamaguchi. Tsukishima had worked ceaselessly and ran himself ragged, all in the hopes that Yamaguchi could be reached. A great part of him was thankful for these wonderful people, without their help, Yamaguchi's efforts surely would have failed, but another part felt immense guilt for endangering his dear friends. The rush of emotion was all very much for Yamaguchi to process at once, and Akaashi, ever patient and saintly, sat calmly and spoke words of reassurance as Yamaguchi broke down.

When Yamaguchi had finished crying, Akaashi shot a pitying glance at the other, "I'm not sure how much of your escape you remember," he started.

"I know all of it, up until the explosion took me out." Yamaguchi didn't much like where the conversation was headed.

Akaashi nodded grimly, "Well, that makes things a bit easier. You know, then, that you have lost your left arm."

Yamaguchi waved the bandaged stump that was the remaining half of his left forearm, "What? No, surely not?"

Akaashi chuckled, "I'm glad to see you've still got your wit about you, at least. I'm sorry to say, however, that your hand isn't the only loss you've suffered."

It was then, and only then, that Yamaguchi spared thought as to why he couldn't feel his right leg and why he had failed so spectacularly at the simple task of standing up. Tentatively, although he already suspected what he would, or rather wouldn't, see, Yamaguchi pulled back the linen covers.

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