If only he knew

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He smiled up at me and asked me if I could talk to him outside really quick "um ya sure ill be back" I reassured Niall and walked outside with Ryan he turned to me and closed the door "listen Ariely I have never seen Niall sooo over protective over anybody but his....." "His what ?" I said confused "n-nothing forget It the thing is he really likes you I think he might love you but you gotta watch out ok?" He said in a sympathetic tone "what do you mean watch out what's wrong?"

His body tensed up and looked at "never mind just please be carful ok ?" He said nervously "ok I will " I said still confused he gave me a tight squeeze and went back to the car I walked up to the door and turned to see him waving I waved back and smiled I jumped at the buzzing coming from my pocket I quickly unlocked my phone and opened the message it was from an unknown number I opened it and became terrified "hey their beautiful I'd go back inside if I were you we wouldn't want to see you get hurt now would we ?;) don't tell Horan wouldn't want him to get hurt now woud you;) sleep tight sexy" beneath the message was a picture of me and I was hugging Ryan I quickly looked around and ran back inside my heart was almost popping it of my chest "are you ok you look like you've seen a ghost " I looked at him and replied " N-no I'm fine he just h-hugged me really tight" he wasn't convinced

"You're lying ! " her replied rather aggresive I looked at km and ran upstairs He almost cot me but I escaped I closed the door and he began to bang on the door "OPEN THE DOOR NOW!!" He commanded I could tell he wasn't use to girls not doing as he asked "NO!" I'm going home he hit the door harder and harder it wasn't gone hold him of long I slowly climbed out he window making sure he couldn't hear meal of sudden the door busted open "ARIELY GET DOWN!!" He was furious "ok" I said as I jumped "ARIELY ARE YOU CRAZY !" I began to run down the street towards the direction of my house all of a sudden I see Niall behind me "ARIELY STOP RUNNING !"

I kept running I turned to see him coming closer and closer his long legs gave him an advantage as I was really short about 4'9 I began to grow tired but the adrenaline wouldn't let me stop I ran into the woods pitch dark when I feel someone grab me "shhhh don't say anything or ill kill you now come with me "as he pulled a knife to my neck

I turned and saw a really handsome man if he hasn't just threatened me I would probably go for him "who are you!" I said in fear "I'm Zayn now shut up and be quiet you're little man is coming" NIALL! I grabbed Zayns arm and pulled it over my shoulder he throbbed in pain gasped for air I started running out of the forest when I realized something running down my neck I reached and looked at it it was blood he must have gotten me when I flipped him over the cut was pretty deep but I just ripped my shirt and used it to stop the bleeding as soon as I hit the side walk I felt something hit me really hard it was Niall my attention shot up to him

"ARIELY WHAT THE HELP YOU GOT ME SO WORRIED" he pulled me in a tight hug pressing his head into my shoulder and neck as he pulled away blood was on the side of his jaw he soon reached up and pulled his fingers back and saw the blood he looked at me confused than removed my hand from my neck "YOU'RE BLEEDING" he said worrying more than he needed too "IM FIN.."

He cut me off before I could finish "no you're not you're loosing a lot of blood " he carried me bridal style back on the way to his house when we got to his house he laid me on the table and told me not to move. He went to get the kit when he got back I said "I'm ok really it's just a scratch ill be ok " I said reassuringly "uhh I know but how did this happen" I tensed up and looked at him "I- I ran into a branch and I guess it scratched me but I'm ok so calm down" I said smiling he looked up at me I knew he didn't believe but he didn't argue

I hated lying to him it I knew if I told him what happened he would either one go after him I had a feeling he new Zayn or ask how I was strong enough to flip him over and I didn't reall want to explain how or who than the silence was broken when he attend it with another alcohol towel "ssss ouch " I hissed "sorry not my fault you decided to make a Break for it " I looked down "I-I'm sorry you just got me scared that's all

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