Hospitals aren't always safe

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After Niall left I became nervous I hopped he believed my lie but who knows I walked back to grab my phone after I was ready and headed for work I was still a little nervous about walking so I grabbed a pocket knife and walked out I saw the same car but I didn't stop I kept walking and the car just passed me it wasn't them thank god but who are they and what do they want from me I mean I wasn't the one in the business my dad was he just thought me everything he knew and trained me then again he did say he was preparing me I still didn't understand all I knew is I needed to go to the bank on my 18th birthday which was on New Years so it was only 2 days away I still didn't want to tell Niall I didn't want him to over do things

Which I knew he probably would so I decided not to tell him when I walked in I notice that Karla was very quiet I walk over to her after I had put my bag and jacket away she looked at me with sad eyes as a tear escaped her eye she tried speaking but the words won't come out "what's wrong?!" She looked into my eyes "I-I have something to show you. " she as I wiped the tear off her cheek and she reached for my hand " what is it?" She looked deep in my eyes with worry

"C-come with me " I nodded and she toke me to the back and reached for her phone " I got a message earlier " I looked at her confused "from who?" Her head shot up I-I don't know " I took her phone and read the message



I have bein keeping a close eye on you and I know your dirty little secret and I know you and you're little friend Ariely are in on it I'm warning you stat away from her if you know what's good for you we wouldn't want to see her get hurt now would we:)? ...ya I didn't think so and if you so decide on telling her about this message just remember ill find out ! "

"When did you get this message !" She looked at me "this morning as I got in the car I don't want you to get hurt so you can't say a word about this they know a secret they know everything!" I looked at her I knew she was scared "listen we don't know they know yet they could just be trying to scare us but I do need to tell you something " she looked at me confused " what ?" She said trying to catch her breath "yesterday as I was walking home a car stopped next to me and of course I began to run but they started to chase ME I got inside my house and locked the door and ran to. Get my gun of course they got in and well let's just say I took care of it but they go my arm

I had to lie to Niall and tell him I was removing a pipe and didn't realize the other one was hot and ran into it " she looked at me for a while in shock from what I told Niall she couldn't have bein shocked at what I did because well she's done the same things she's in with me "I'm glad to decided to leave him out we can't have him knowing these things we'd get in a lot of trouble by daddy"

daddy was her dad which adopted me into his family until I got of my feet he was best friends with my dad before the accident I hugged her tight "I know and we need to open shop" I said while smiling and she smiled back"ok give me a sec for my eyes to recover " I nodded and wen to turn the sign on and than the wifi and than the doors after about five minutes of the door being open people starred to walk in Karla soon came out with jake and we took turns at the cashier and making the drinks after and hour I took a break and pulled my phone out I quickly unlocked it I had three missed calls and four text messages but the thing is the calls where from a restricted number so I couldn't call back but the messages where from Niall



Hey baby I got Liam to drive you o he hospital he said he old be there as soon as you were done with work ....and don't worry about that little bastard jake won't have to take you anymore"

I quickly replied I couldn't help but smile at his over protective nature I knew he was trying to keep me safe but trust me I can keep myself safe but he could get a little clingy sometimes


From:Me're lucky I like Liam or else I would ignore it and go with jake and don't be jealous baby even though its a big turn on you wouldn't want me getting turned on around jake now would you;)

I laughed at my own message but it didn't take long before Niall replied



-_- very funny

I couldn't hold back the smile standing to display on my face I know he was upset but it was really adorable when he began to get jealous but it could get scary sometimes if I went to far or If the guy did but almost never when I went back to the counter and finished off everything and before I knew it we were closing up I walked out to find Liam waiting outside leaning on the passengers side of the car he drove what looked like the newest version of a 300

I walked up to him and gave him a hug he hugged me tight and than opened the door for me "thank you " he jogged over to the other side and looked in my eyes "ready?" I nodded and when we gotta the hospital he waited for me in the lobby and I was taken to a room and the doctor finally walked in "soo what exactly happend because a hot pipe would do that to me this looks more like you where shot "he said as he held my arm he looked at me and I could tell by his facial expression he wasn't buying any of what I was about to say I sighed "fine I was hot but please just don't say anything " he nodded in agreement "you do know you're seriously hurt right" I looked at him "how hurt?" Like clean the cut out and stitches " I didn't think it was that bad so I went with it I was in there for what felt like forever

Finally they realized me and I went out to find Liam surprisingly still hear "I thought you would have left by now didn't think you'd wait". He smiled "why would I leave ?" I smiled and gave him a hug "most people do" he hugged me tighter"I would never think of it" with that I knew I could trust him "let's go grab a bite shall we?" He said in his accent I was jealous but I never said anything as we got to the restaurant he opened the door and we walked in as we sat down we began to talk and get to know eachother a bit but it got awkward when he asked me what really Happened to my arm " I don't buy what you said happened and neither does Niall but don't worry I won't tell him if you decide to tell me" I smile "I'm not kidding that's what happened " he looked at me the same way the doctor did but he didn't say anything but

"Fine whatever you say"

I mean I trust him but I rather not take my chances after dinner he took me home and gave him my number and than we hugged goodbye just than I received a picture message

Wonder from who I looked on my screen and it said unknown so I opened it a smile began to form on my face as I saw it was Liam who took a picture of my taking a sip of my soda I turned to see him laughing in the car and wave goodbye once more I rolled my eyes and mouthed "you're gonna get it" he mouthed "ya sure" I turned and unlocked my door and locked it behind me I all of a sudden heard a noise coming

From my kitchen I quickly took out my knife from my bag but making sure not to ill it out of my purse o my god it was him I haven't seen him since

Thanks for reading next chapter will be up shortly thanks for reading please comment and vote means a lot to me love you guys so much go and read my other fic about Niall it's called working for one direction thank you lots of love couldn't do this without you guys

Xoxo Muahhh! Vote please

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