
46 3 1

August 1st

"Omg, Ziggy?" A voice called out. Ziggy was simply walking her dog. She wasn't sure if it was just her mind making things up.

"Ziggy! I know that red hair from anywhere!" The  girl called out once more. So, Ziggy turned around this time. She smiled shyly at her past friends, Simone and Danny.

Simone's slim body cheered before running over and embrassing her in a huge hug. Simone was dark and beautiful, and oh so sweet. But also one of the hottest bitches you've ever seen.

She pulled away from Ziggy. Smiling brightly at her.

"I've missed you so much!" Simone chirped, causing Ziggy to giggle.

"Me too." She said. Simone kissed her cheek, and knelt down, petting and talking to Major Tom. Then she look at Danny.

He was tall and blonde. Before she liked Nick, she liked him. He was gorgeous, and his looks definitely had some use here in Union. He put his huge arms around her, and kissed her head.

"How've you been, carrot top." He asked into her hair. She smiled into his chest.

"I'm better than I was." He laughed and let go.
He was like her older brother. She wished it wasn't that for a long ass time, but after a night of antics, they decided they were brother and sister. Nothing less or more.

Simone stood back up and went into Danny's arms. Ziggy could tell they were a thing. To confirm, she raised her eyebrows at Simone, who smirked and returned the gesture.

"Omg! Today is Sever Day!" Simone cheers. Ziggy was confused.

"I don't get out much." Ziggy remarks flatly.

"You know! Police and firefighters serve and cook food at Sally's. All the proceeds go to Union's childcare. We went every year when we went to school here!"

It took Ziggy only a moment to process this, then it flooded back. She recalled the good times there. She also recalled telling Nick they should sneak out of camp to go together.

Nick. He's a police officer. Oh shit.

"I got...places to be. I promised my Aunt I would help her with cleaning. I'm sorry." Ziggy spilled weakly. She couldn't risk it, she just couldn't.

"Please!? We haven't hung out in forever!" Simone pleads, placing her hands on Ziggy's shoulders. "We'll both make sure he doesn't serve you." They were the only ones who believed her.

Danny places a hand on Ziggy's head, stroking her hair in a calming manor. "We've got you, Z. Always."

Ziggy sighed. Officer James made the best burgers and fries. She smiled.

"Alright. Let's do it."

Simone and Danny cheered. They walked to Ziggy's aunts place, dropped off Major Tom, and happily made their way to Sally's Dinner.

The place was packed with cars. Ziggy remembered how girls fought over the officers. It was funny to watch. Ziggy's eye brighten at the memory. They walked up the ramp, and in the red front door.

Sally's was filled with teens, family's, and officers of the law. Or today: of the burger. Mr. Conklin was standing in front in an apron and menu in hand. The girls giggle.

"Just three?" He asked, face scrunched as he watched them laugh at his small apron.

"Yep!" Danny chirped up, rolling his eyes at his ladies.

"Alright, follow me." Conklin led them to a booths in the middle of the dinner. It was a perfect spot for them. He placed the menus down and told the teens that a person should be with them shortly. They nodded and began conversation.

"Can you get your ass off the counter?" James sneers, as he flips the burgers. Nick continues to swing his legs, his heels hitting the cabinets underneath him.

"I'm just waiting for my table's food to be done." Nick responds. He was wearing a Sally's shirt, apron and sports shorts.

"Still. Ass. Off. Counter." James steadily commanded. Nick groans before hopping off the counter, and dusting off his hands.

"Hey, Nicky!" Conklin yells in the doorway. Nick looks his way. "You got 3 on 16. Middle table-"

"Yeah, I know where I'm going. " Nick sighs. "Can you bring my food to 5? Window table along the left wall." He asks, getting his notebook out, clicking his pen.

"Yeah, sure." Conklin responds, looking for table 5's slip taped to the higher shelves.

"Thanks." Nick comments, and Conklin winks at him.

Nick strides out of the kitchen, and ladies everywhere began to stare; batting their eyelids and sitting like models. He began to walk to his table.

Ziggy's red hair was all her could stare at, as his feet had come to a halt. Simone caught his stare.

"Fuck" she mutters, as her face falls. Ziggy cocks an eyebrow.

"What?" Ziggy questions. Danny finds what Simone is looking that, and his face falls too. Before Simone could warn her, Ziggy spun her head to see what they were- her breathe caught.

Ziggy...she met eyes with him. Her first good look at him in 4 years. His hair was darker. He got taller, more built. But his face was the same as she remembered.

Nick... couldn't take it. Ziggy watched, after many moments, as he quickly walk back into the kitchen. She was left speechless.

He entered the kitchen, shaking. He put his stuff on the counter, and threw his apron down.

"Whoa! What's going on?" Kapinski yelled, jumping in front of Nick. Nick tried to push past him, but he grasped his shoulders and held him back. Nick's breathe was heavy. Kapinski knew what this was.

"Go home. Don't worry about your shift tonight. I'll cover it." Kapinski ordered. Nick nodded. Kapinski patted his shoulder, and watched as Nick walked out of the kitchen, and out of the front door. Customers stared as the door shut behind him.

Ziggy watched as his car drove away from Shadyside.

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