if your reading this i swear to god :)

33 2 19

[\]-Hey, reader! You wanna hear something funny about Deni?

[/]-Oh, is it the organs thing?

[\]-No, they don't want people to hear that yet


[\]-Its the relationship thing.

[/]-Oh! Yeah! I mean, it's not as fun as the organs, but it's still fun!

[\]-Yep! So, Deni is married to two people online! They're really cool and amazing!

[/]-Yeah! I think their names were....

[\]- @NonexistentYUA and @ArrowNeedsHugs

[/]-Yep! It's a threesome! I honestly didn't think Deni could manage to marry two amazing people!


[?]-What are you two talking about~?

[/]-Deni got married!

[\]-To two amazing people!

[?]-Oh~? Really now~? Well,
congratulations to Deni~

[!]-Whats going on.

[?]-Deni got married to two amazing people online~


[✓]-Guys, time to go.


[/]-Yeah, why?


[\]-Aw...well, bye reader....


[?]-Come on now you two...good bye reader~


𝐓հ𝖊γ 𝙡𝒆𝔣𝑡 𝖊𝛼𝐫𝓁γ.
𝔚𝔥𝙖𝓽  𝔡𝓸 𝑦𐐬𝕦 𝖙հ𝓲𝖓𝙠 𝙖𝖇𝜊𝞄𝑡 𝒟𝟈𝑛𝓲?
𝕭𝐞 հ๐𝐧𝜚𝓈𝘁.
𝖣𝒐𝚗'𝙩 𝚰Ꭵ𝒆.
G𐐬੦ⅆ 𝗯𝐲𝜚.

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