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-A/N-: This fanfiction contains minor to mild physical abuse. If you are not comfortable or sensitive to this content, then please turn back now.

"Stop it! Go away!" 'Go away! Go away! Go away! Leave us alone! Please...'

"Not until you come back home with me! You're mine! The both of you! Why can't you ever get it through that thick fucking skull of yours (f/n)! I'm not going anywhere!"

'....I'm so scared. Almost everyday, it's like this. From the beginning he get's so violent, and never stops until he's tired.'

~*sound of glass breaking*~

"You dumb bitch!"

'He yells and out nasty words at me, most of the time when Yujiro is in the room.'

"How many times do we have to go through this! Huh!?"

'But it's not just that. Not only does he curse at me, he punches me when he needs a punching bag and rapes me when he's drunk. But it doesn't just end there, because I know there's more of that to come.'

"Aren't you tired of doing this almost every fucking day!? I am!"

'I've spent money time and time again, getting the locks changed. They've been changed about 10 times now. Each time I thought they would hold out, but I was wrong, so wrong. I've tried calling the police but he just broke my phone.'

"Mama, I'm scared. Why is papa always yelling?" The shaky and teary voice of your 4-year old son was heartbreaking. 

"Yujiro, go back into your room!" You shouted.

"Mama..." The small boys lip quivered as his face was getting set up to cry. *Waaahh!*"

"Yujiro..." 'Ever since the divorce half a year ago, he's been stalking us constantly. Whenever I don't answer the door, he breaks down the door and charges inside my home and threatens to kill us if we don't come back. I always wake up Yujiro with my constant screams and cries.'


'One time, he was drunk and barged inside the house with an empty beer bottle in his hand. After I begged for him to leave, he smashed the end of the bottle and started waving it around violently. Little had I known, Yujiro had woken up from his bed and came out to look for me. At that same moment, he threw the bottle and it was coming straight for him.'

"Why is it that always have to come up here to fucking check on you!? Why won't you just come back to me! Do you always be so fucking selfish!"

'If I hadn't shielded him...he would have....he would have-!'


"Fuck...Tch! I'll be back, you here me!? Don't you ever think you can escape from me! You have no where else to run!"

"....Please just go!" 'My heart and body are trembling uncontrollably. I'm tired. I'm just so tired of this. When will this nightmare come to and end?' As the door shut behind him all became silent in the house once again, expect for the uncontrollable sobs off your son. He stood at the end of the hall rubbing his already wet, red and puffy eyes into the hem of his pajamas. He called your names in between breath-takes. "Yujiro..." Your foots carried you towards the small boy. You scooped him up in your arms and he started to bawl out in your clothes as he clung to your shirt. "Don't cry, it's alright. We're safe now." You had to be strong for him. For the both of you. There was no other way. But how? How were you going to defend yourself against this dangerous man that you used to call your husband. As you walked upstairs you pushed open the door to you room and placed him in the bed, tucking him in the spot next to yours. Withing a minute he quieted down and fell into his dreamland. With a weak smile formed on your lips, you got into the bed next to him and pulled him close to you heart. 

"As long as God is on our side, he will never, ever harm us." 'Right?'

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