404's transformation (Perfect 404 updated)

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I decided to remake this cause... I don't know -_-



The transformation will be activated if 404 want or when he is close to death or in moments of massive distress and the multiverse reacts to this as if it's death itself. The Multiverse than proceeds to direct all of its energy and code to its dying bit (404) and then that bit becomes the Multiverse itself for along as it is in danger. This major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself. This form is strong and godlike in every form and in almost every way. This form can Kill with just a mere touch and can fly using its wings at such high speeds that give off the appearance of Teleportation. Its Dg output is so high that putting is here would take up the whole page so we'll just go with the fact that its instant death. Not only that, but the eyes on the wings shoot out high plasma lasers(these plasma lasers have unlimited superiority and power over Ultranova) more perfect and evolved forms of gaster beams so strong that they can go straight through Aus and other Galaxies with ease and still completely wipe them out.


Ultranova Blast

The wings on Butterfly work as lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through reality 6 like butter



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This form is activated when Error!Sans merges with Error404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. This Form is Highly Dangerous, possibly the only Form 404 can control. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error's abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn't just strong though, This form Gives 404 ungodly Speed and incredible damage output to a whopping 190,990 dg per millisecond. And he moves at speeds faster than the speed of light...even as fast if not close to that of the Butterfly transformation's speed. This form also has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle.


Master Cables

These new form of Cables have been fused with 404's Powers and Error's, The Cables start red and blue chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone Blue Master is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength.

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