Lover Boy - Stone

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Kyra is my partner for the upcoming project. I mean, I'm a fan of her work! I've followed her on Instagram for a few months now. She's really passionate and that's what's great about her. But honestly, I can't tell if she even knew I existed. She looked around when Mrs. Day said my name. I just waved awkwardly.

I lay out my outfit on my bed that I plan to wear at the coffee shop. I can't show up in the same outfit I've had on for class. I need have something better, something impressive. Like "I look nice but not too nice" kinda vibes, if you know what I mean. I throw the clothes on and look in my mirror to see if it goes together nicely. I kinda like it.

The outfit:

I walk out of my dorm room and head out

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I walk out of my dorm room and head out. Since the coffee shop is around the corner, I decided to walk to the coffee shop. I texted Kyra the location and we worked out a time that can work. I'm not even going to lie, I'm a little excited to meet up with them. They just bring light into every room their in. I can't deny that I've had a tiny crush on them since the college semester started. Maybe this will bring us closer.

I open the door to the coffee shop, only to see Kyra with her headphones on. Her outfit is stunning, I'm glad I'm not the only one who changed outfits.

Kyra's outfit:

She's sitting down at a two person table on her laptop

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She's sitting down at a two person table on her laptop. She sips on her drink and turns her head to me.

"Stone! Over here," she grins, setting her drink on the table. Stay cool Stone, stay cool. I walk over and take a seat in the empty chair in front on her.

"Oh.. I was supposed to bring my laptop, wasn't I?" I sigh.
Shit. I was too focused on looking good for her that I didn't even think about the work..

"Nah it's cool, I just brung my laptop to finish some school work." She laughs. "But while I have it, I'm gonna pull up the email Professor. Day sent for the assignment".

"Alright, I'll be back. Gonna order something," I say, getting up. She nods, eyes still on her screen. I head over to the cashier and tell them my order. I decided to get a iced coffee and a granola bar, I'm not that hungry so I don't get anything to snack on.

"Will that be all?" The cashier asks, looking like they can't wait for their shift to be over. I mean, they do keep looking at the clock every time someone opens their mouth.

What if Kyra wants something to snack on? I mean, I can't just give her nothing. But what if she doesn't like it? You know what, I'm gonna go with my gut on this. She seems like she'll enjoy something sweet.

"Nope! I'll also have a glazed donut," I say. I hope they'll like it. I know I know, I can't just order something for people that I know barely anything about. But who doesn't like a good donut?

"That'll be $12.99," the cashier sighs. I reach inside my tote back, get my wallet out, and hand them the cash. The cashier gives me the order and I nervously walk towards Kyra. She brings her head up from her computer.

"I got you this donut, I'd feel rude just eating in your face," I awkwardly laugh, handing them the donut. I feel a bead of sweat falling down my head. Kyra cocks her head to the side a little then smiles. She takes the donut from my hand and hold it for a few seconds.

"Thank you," she grins. She lets go of my hand then ate her donut like nothing happened.

Shit. I feel my face heating up. Thankfully I'm melanated.

"About the project, I found Professor. Day's email. The theme for the modeling show is 'Sequins'! Sounds exciting to work onnnn," she does a little dance in her chair and takes another bite on her donut.

"For sure, I need to try something new for a change. I mostly design every day clothing." I admitted. It's true, I need to learn to open to new things. Fashion is my passion. But maybe change this will be good for me.

"I can help with that!" She beamed. So, want to plan out our sketch?".

"Mhm!" I agree. 

We wrote down our ideas on a document she made on her laptop. We decided to make the outfit have different elements to it. The bottom of the sleeves along with the bottom of the dress will be fluffy. The dress itself will have a diamond design with the sequins layering on top. We still haven't decided on the colors, but so far this is going good. I'm glad I got Kyra as my partner..

..Maybe this will be a chance to get closer with her

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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