Fall Break

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I was hanging with Ava, as usual. Ava was wearing some jeans and only a powder blue bra. We were packing for their annual trip to Disney. Every year, around Fall Break, our moms would take us to Disney as a combined family vacation type of thing. Really it was just an excuse for our two families to hang out the entire time without worrying about work and such.

"Hey, Sea, can you throw me those panties? I want to bring them."

I held up the bright pink thin lace panties. They had a scalloped edge and a pink bow at the top. Strange that I now noticed how they looked "A little risqué for a family vacation isn't it?" I asked before I tossed them to her. I had gotten much more comfortable handling her clothes since I've worn some of them before, including the bra that Avery was currently wearing.

"They're cute." She said defensively.

"More sexy than cute." I countered.

"You think they're sexy?" Ava teased as she adjusted her bra.

I could feel myself changing colors as I blushed. I turned away. Yes, I thought the panties were sexy, they would look amazing on my girl-next-door. Not that she was mine, but she was my neighbor. Does that make sense? Everything has felt different since the finals. I'm not sure why that bra brought these feelings with it. The only other time I wore a bra was her birthday and it was a sports bra, so maybe that was the difference? The sports bra felt like a constraint bandage when I pulled a muscle. The actual bra? It felt, well it felt feminine. No other way to put it. I don't know.

Ava giggled. "It's ok to think they're sexy, Sea."

I turned back toward her, and saw a familiar glint in her eye. I knew where this was going, and I wasn't sure I wanted to stop it.

"We still need to pack your bag, why don't we put those in your bag? You can put them on while we're there."

I was surprised. I thought she'd want me to wear them right now.

I must've had a dumb look on my face because she put on her begging face. "Please, Chelsea, put those sexy panties in your bag."

I smirked, "Alright, Ava, alright. I'll pack them."

She clapped her hands and threw them back at me.

"This doesn't mean I'm going to wear them." I said pointing at her.

"We'll see about that," She said ominously. "Now, let's go get you packed. We leave in the morning and you haven't even started packing." She threw a hoodie on over her chest, apparently foregoing a shirt.

Once we got to my place my mom forced us to take a break and eat dinner, hamburger bowls. After dinner we got me packed and went for our nightly run. Afterwards we said goodnight, and Ava kissed me on the cheek again. She'd been doing that more and more often. I liked it.

When I got back inside my mom was waiting for me. "Chelsea we need to have a quick talk."

"Sure, mom," I said. "Let me get some juice and I'll be right back."

While I was pouring a glass of orange juice I wondered what she wanted to talk about.

I returned to the living room and sat on the piano bench so I wouldn't get sweat on the couch. "What's up?"

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