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The endless abyss, whatever Zalika had done to me had plummet me into a land of darkness

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The endless abyss, whatever Zalika had done to me had plummet me into a land of darkness. the ground under my feet felt hot, my skin poured out sweat like the sky pouring rain. the air was cold like death itself. where I was, I hadn't a clue. how many days had past. whether it was morning or day, whether I was alive or dead. all i knew was that i relived all my horrible memories, my past that haunted me so very much 

The demon in me that held in the secrets, the secrets of how i came to life, of the many souls that were sacrificed to birth me, that would explain the many whispers i heard while i slept, they were the ghosts of the sacrifices made to birth me.

i heard another snake like whisper before i was washed into the land of memories to be tortured by the many hidden secrets surrounding my life...

i gasped and covered my lips looking at the sea of blood and the vast array of dead bodies left for the vultures to feast on what made me gasp and shiver in fear was the golden eyed devil who looked like he revelled in the blood lust like he enjoyed the blood bath, i was taken to another scene here i saw Mammon locked in the flames his gold eyes brightened the flames more, fanned the embers. he looked feral and rapid. his groanings as he begged and lusted for more havoc  scared me, he was not whom i had known but seemingly another being driven mad with power. perhaps this was truly who he was underneath all, maybe i knew only one side of him, the side he did show me.

"gardenia" i turned to Mammon, i walked closer to him slowly afraid he was simply an illusion or the man from the memories i had seen. i touched him feeling his skin and a tear slipped from my eyes, perhaps i was emotional from being apart from him or the torture i had gone through at Zalika's hands or the fact i had learnt the secret and sacrifices that came with my birth or perhaps it was what i had seen. he hugged me while i cried it seemed like the only thing i could do well was cry nowadays 

"zalika must pay for what she did to you' his voice was dark and it reminded me of the visions  i had seen 

"where am i " i asked, i was scared i had died 

"you're not. the witch would bring you back soon enough." i nodded and let my mind wander to the memories of him i had seen. was he truly the one or a folly of my imagination. he held my hands gently 

"that was indeed me love." i gasped out repulsed by him in an instant but i was no better than him, the many deaths that my birthing brought 

"you are not like me Gardenia." he paused and leaned in to stroke my chin "i lusted for blood while you were an innocent child. i am a killer gardenia as fate created me to be. but you are blessing to my damned and tortured existence. a true blessing." his lips grazed mine but he pulled back abruptly 

"i must leave now, the witch is close to bringing you back."

"wait please" i wanted him to stay despite knowing he was and is a monster. he held me closer kissing my forehead before dissappearing just as he appeared. i felt my ear ring before a feeling of lightheadedness filled my being before feeling myself forcefully shoved into my body.

Zalika tended to me, while i regained my strength, she sought my wellbeing desperately almost as though she depended on me to live 

"why take care of me " i cautiously ate the bowl of soup infront of me looking at the witch who's head was buried in a grimoire 

"your mate would make me embers to the flames of hell if i had failed to bring you back." she paused looking at me with a small glare "you should have told me you were mated to the prince of fire himself." 

"prince of fire ?" i questioned 

"Mammon" i knew very little about the devils 

"sweet Gardenia you are mated to fire himself, you might get consumed." i was already consumed since the moment i met him but consequences be damned, i didn.t mind the very ashes of his flames anymore

"tell me" i dropped my bowl looking at Zalika square in the eyes  

"tell you what"

"everything about THE DEVILS"

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