1. Lady Sam

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'For the first time in forever...'

I almost sang this song out loud when I first arrived in the office of a well-known digital company. While my new coworkers in the content production department was showing me around, my attention kept drifting the boss' office.

My idol.

"What's your name again?," someone questioned.

"M...me?," I asked.

"Weren't you listening to me?!," my mentor, Yah, exclaims looking at me angrily.

She sees my gaze keeps focusing on the frosted glass room and her anger turns into understanding.

"Do you feel cold when you look at that room?," she asks, " you're just a trainee, so it's very unlikely you'll have to interact with The M.L. Boss much."

"M.L. Boss?"

"Yes, we call her M.L. Boss... You probably know her by a different name, she very famous.," says Yah.

I'm nodding my head with a smirk, of course I know all about her. She's the reason why I push myself as much as I can just so I can work here.

Nobody knows how much I've tried to be like her.

"If I pass the training program, could I meet her?," I ask, " M.L. Boss I mean"

"Well, Mon is your name right," yah smiles at me, revealing her wrinkled eyes, a clear sign that sees older than me. "Of course you'd have to complete the training program, but I don't know since your a trainee, there's not really a reason for you to communicate with our boss."

"No chances?"

I'm disappointed. How can I reach her? I know my duty is to follow all the staff here and learn from them but this sucks.

"Not likely, but she should pop up at some today"

I'm trying to put my best smile on to hide my true emotions. It seems to work as Yah smiles back mercifully.

"When you smile, the whole world seems to brighten... in contrast to M.L. Boss who never smiles. I wonder, has she ever been happy in her life?"

"Lady Sam*.. ahh.. M.L. Boss," I'm trying to call her the same thing my coworkers do to blend in. "As I seen in many magazines has smiled."

"It's only in situations like that in where she forced to. Normally, she's barely lively to boost morale. She's better in her office."

I'm starting to get the feeling that Yah isn't a huge fan of her. For me, my idol is perfect. For years, I have followed her social accounts and interviews closely.

There's nothing about her that I don't know.

"You said I would have a chance to see her..when?"

"This Evening, Mr. Kirk, the company owner, will pay us a visit for the achievement meet to celebrate our company reaching their target goal. Sadly, it's not the annual Hokkaido trip.," Yah replies.

As we're passing the Boss' office, the door swings open and I finally see who I've been waiting for. My heart skips a beat as looking down embarrassed, as if I'm afraid she knows I've adored her most of my life.

It's a secret love.

Chanel No. 5 is spreading all around the office. Everyone in the office goes quiet and I can visibly see everybody freeze. The tension only grows until the cold boss exits the building.

"She's gone," somebody says

"Why did everyone get so tense and on edge like that?," I blurt out

"Didn't you? You looked down too, right?" Yah questions.

"I..," I'm just shy, not afraid.

"It's probably safest to avoid eye contact with her.. unless you want to be cursed, that is.," says Yah

"It's like that?"

"Yeah it's like that."

Even though I'm learning all my this new information about Lady Sam, I'm still eager to meet her. I've admired her for so long.

I believe that no one in this office knows M.L. Samanun more than me. You can say that I'm a real fan.

More than 10 years I have been waiting to see this woman.

While I can remember her cute, sweet face, she probably completely forgot about me. It's fine though, I'm here without the expectation of getting close to her.

Just adoring and living by following this smart, beautiful woman is enough for me.

Now, since today is my first day as a trainee, the male seniors keep walking up to my desk and talking to me. Like a new student has moved in the middle of the year and she's the topic of the school.

I tried so hard to just focus on getting situated because among the other women here, I can see them starting to get jealous and I don't need any enemies on my first day.

The company I'm working at runs services on Media production, Market advertising, and media printing. It has survived this long because they converted themselves to the digital world, making accounts on all the social media apps. It was Lady Sam's great idea to keep her on top of her competition... I will be just like her someday.

My job here is to manage the documents and appointments that has to do with other businesses.

As I'm setting my new desk up with my personal belongings and getting familiar with office set up, a handsome man walk in.

"Hey guys, you ready?" He says, smiling cheerfully, as he enters the office more.

Everyone immediately stops working, smiling back, "Ready!" They exclaim.

"Hey Yah," I whispered across from me "who's that good looking man?"

"That's Mr. Kirk, the company owner. Oh did I mention he's also M.L. Boss' fiancé?"



Au note: M.L. = Mhom luang- A ranking of a Thai Royal family

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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