past of the straw hatted boy

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did i forgot that wattpad existed? yes, yes i did. am i sorry for not posting updates? mhh, maybe. 

ANYWAYS HAPPY CHRISTMAS OR HOW U SPELL IT, while im writing this its christmas! and i hope yall have a good christmas 

also if my ass is lazy enough  then HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES 

also this is months after i sarted this but i have been going to doctors a lot becuase i have a lot of issues with my body that have to get fixed/trying to be fixed and plus school is kinda overwhelming so that why i havent been much on wattpad 


"all right the promised past is here!!! wooo it took me almost month to finally get to this part or what" i say not relazing that in fact they dont know that this a book. "wait wait wait wait wait, what do you mean month????" asked somebody, i honestly dont know anymore. "Uhhhhhhhh.....lets react!" i say ignoring tha person "hey-! dont ignore me!" said the person but i will infact ignore them 

the screen slowly starts up and we see 2 figures.  one being the famous hero of navy-garp and the other one being little luffy 

"wait thats a child luffy?" asks nami as shes looking at the screen as if she is looking at the most cutest thing "yes??? who else would we be reacting to???" i say dumbly and get wacked by felix "owwwww!" i say but everyone ignoring me bc the sreen is still on 

the screen shows luffy hanging on a tree a bit beaten up and in the backround you can see how a monkey is boxing in the air like its warming up sum 

everybody sees the beaten up boy and some even glare at the hero of navy. i mean who woudnt? anyways i should just get to point of this chapter becuase i have no motivation 

the small beaten up boy the starts speaking "ya know gramps? im not going to be a pirate!" and the granfather of the small boy looks at him with hope in his eyes and adjusts the small boy hat  those words shocked everybody in the room, i mean now kinda famous rookie saying that he wont become pirate? everybody would be shocked. 

"thats my boy! you finally get it!" said no other then the hero of navy while shaking his grandson"i wnt become any pirate! i will become king of the pirates!" said the young boy whos still looking at his grandpa straight into eyes fearing nobody 

after that the screen turns black again 

"ugh dont tell me he saying already saying since he was a little kid" said annoyed navigator of the straw hat rew "fufufufu, captain-san is still the same" said robin as she just looked at the annoyed navigator with a small faint smile "stupid captain! he is infront of the hero of navy as a harmless kid and says that..." said a cook from the straw hats crew 

huh nobody is worried about the captain even if he is lost in between time and space. i guess i should sent hi  to the ship but make him asleep so he doesnt do anything stupid. i honestly dont need him for reaction so i guess its alr. 

"alr we are moving into a different scene from the past!" i said as the screen lights up again 

on the screen they can see as garp is pulling little luffy by the cheek and little luffy struggling to noot go the destination garp is heading to. 

soon the younger self aptain of the straw hats clinges to  the tree and doesnt let "im going to be strong as shanks!" says the little captain andthe tree that he clinged to snapped and hit gar in the head "hey!"said garp (i dont remember what he originally said) as he continued to pulling small luffy to small house which seems to be not in the best condicion 

"what the hell is this place?" said the small luffy as he began to explore the erea of the house, garp started knocking o the door and rather looking more masculine lady opened the door "stop it!! whoever you are, do you want to get killed?!"  said the lady (this isnt probably the correct translation, sorry) "its me." said garp suprising the lady 

"g-garp-san??!!" said the lady as she backed away from the door and 2 boys came out from the urtains behind the lady "your looking great" said garp as he looked at the three tanding in the door "give me a break! please, you gotta have mercy on me!" sadi the lady standing in the door "ace is 10 years old now!" said the lady as we see a small luffy run around the screen "oh yeah, already?  how is he?" said garp and then laughs 

luffy still running around the screen and yelling wohoo one of the boys say "its not funny! we cant handle him anymore! you have to take him!"  said the boy which has weird voice "putting that aside" says garp "dont put that aside" said the boy with weird voice 

"youre annoying, kid!" said dadan and offending some people in the audience "look after him too!" says garp and only huh espaces dadans mouth "hey luffy! say "hi" to them" says garp as he is holding up little luffy "yo!" says little luffy as he puts up his hand to greet 

and the screen turns black 

"hey hey hey! there still saying something!" said somebody from the audience "i know but like you guys werent doing almost anything and honestly you dont even need to see it "i say without caring thqat it may intrest them too much "anyways this is it for the time being, do whatever yall want!" i say as he go to my slumber for the next few months again

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