side story-who is the best straw hat?

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sorry for getting off of the story but rn i have no idea on what to do on the lawlu part 


"hmmmm lets get off the track for a little while now shall we?" as i say that many people are intrested on the topic that was so importat that we get off of the track. "could you tell us what is that we are going to react to Beelzebub-kun?"robin asked the question since its pining her intrested into the reaction "that of course is a secret, im sorry robin" after i apologies to robin i get chopped in the head by felix,i know the reason too even if he didnt say anything 

soon after the screen shows the straw hats ship, on the ship you can see trafalgar thinking about something and looking distressed about it

"hmm? i wonder what law-kun is thinking about" robin said loud enough only for crew to hear 

"ara torao-kun what are you thinking about?" said amused robin walking to place where law was sitting and thinking "its really a stupid question i have on mind for the past 2 days,  it seems to intrest me too much..." said the older captain looking up to see robin smiling at him a little "mind telling me the question? i get asked multiple weird/stupid questions a lot so i dont mind"  robin replied back to the older captain 

"its really dumb but....who do you think that luffy loves the most out of this crew?" law said and that shook robin becuase she never expected that question 

"really thats what i ask?" law looking at the screen rather disapointed at his future self "i guess i got dumb becuase of the straw hats crew....." law said and from the crew you could only hear complains on law 

"never expected that question fufufufufu, but we should ask the whole crew and maybe captain-san" robin suggested and law just sighed becuase now everybpdy will know about how stupid thought he had 

robin called all the straw hats on the grassy dack quickly with her df and she began expaining the situation "torao, thats really dum-" nami was about to say something but got cut off "well its probably me" sanji said puffing out smoke "hah? no im the favorite, love cook!" said zoro looking at the cook while that pissed off the cook 

"hah?!?! im clearly better then you marimo. plus luffy decided to crash my wedding and im the chef of this ship! stupid marimo should know" said sanji making the green hair get in a fight stance 

"wait.....did the cook say "crash my wedding"?!?!?!" one of the marines pointed out "noow that you mention it your right!" said another marine looking at the straw hats who had theire mouths opened "LOVE COOK WAS GOING TO GET MARRIED??!! WHAT DUMB CHICK HE ALMOST GOT MARRIED TO???!!" screamed zoro as sanji kicked him in the head "DONT CALL A LADY A DUMN CHICK!!!" the two started fighting and everybody sweat dropped, then nami came to rescue and punched them both and said "BOTH OF YOU STOP SO WE CAN CONTINUE" "hai nami-swan" said sanji as usual "damn witch" zoro said and got another punch in the head 

"you wanna go marimo!?!" said sanji getting ready for the fight "sure am number 7" zoro said knowing that pissed off sanji very much "STOP CALLING ME THAT STUPID MARIMO" as sanji said that he trew hiself on zoro so he kick him, then nami punched them both "SHUT UP YOU TWO I HAVE ENOUGH" said nami with big tick mark "well im the great captain usopp! im clearly the best here!" usopp said hiding behind a what seemed like a new member of the straw hats-franky!!! 

"wait who is that?" nami askes as she sees another new straw hat crew member (if ya guys forgot this is before water seven) "your new crew member! his name is franky!" i reply to cat burglar as she just nods that she understands "woah is he a robot??" said usopp and chopper in union with stars in theire eyes "correction he is a cyborg!" i say to the 2 straw hats "SUGEEEE" both of them screamed at the fact that they will have a cyborg in the crew 

"i think im SUPPPER one here" said franky doing his pose, nami then sighs at the stupud crew she has while robin is giggling and law is rethinking his life choices. "YOHOHOHOHO well i think im the best straw hat because im a musician which luffy-san wanted that much!" brook said giving a good argue back at the other 

"IS THAT A  SKELETON???" one of the people in the treater screaming and pointing at the screen "yes!" i reply to the person and see the coward trio holding each other close because they are scared of the skeleton "that isimpossible" another person screamed out but i dont reply 

"well luffy wanted me to join his crew before we even knew each other!" said zoro proudly "and plus i am the first mate after all!" zoro added to his arguement which is right "why dont we ask captain-san on who it is?" robin suggested and the straw hats  agree 

robin knocks on the mens bedroom(forgot how its called) "captain-san? can i come in?" asked robin after knocking "ah sure!" luffy screamed out of the bedroom. robin opeens the door and there could be seen suprisingly very clean bedroom with few beds "what is it robin?" luffy askes as he is putting something away "could you ome out on the grassy deck we have question for you" robin informs her captain who just smiles and nods.

"after that robin and luffy came out of the bedroom on the deck "so what was the question?" asked curious luffy as he seen some of his crew serious "luffy.......WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE???" asked usopp who made it dramatic for no reason "SHISHISHI i dont have a favorite silly!!" luffy replied back to his sniper which made the sniper dissapointed with the answer "you have to have a favorite, luffy!" usopp says to the dumb captain "i have to? but i love all of you the same way!" luffy says to the crew which makes them embarassed 

then they start to blable about it and the screen slowly turns dark 

"you sure picked colorfull fellas to be in a allaince with, law" corazon says to his "son" who is still looking at the screen 

on the screen theres suddenly a blurry figure and it starts to zoom in on the figure 

"what the-?! this shouldnt be there" i say confusing everybody 

as it zooms in more closer ithe figure starts to be less blurry and we can see who it is..its the captain of the straw hats staying place looking at the ground "why hello people who just witnessed this! i really hope you will not look more into the future.....becuase then there will be consequences..." luffy said having a very weird smile  on his looking at the camera "well then you should be going, bye bye" after he said that he punched into the camera and i lost signal 

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??!!" i scream and everybody is jut looking at the screen confused, scared and everything else 


luffy:bye bye reader.....

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