Chapter 1: The Potion

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"Is she ok?" Mr. P was in a room filled with doctors and scientists. His wife, Mrs P was on a medical bed.
"We ran tests and she is positive for a very rare disease. There is no cure." Surgeon Katie said with a frown on her face. She clearly was just as sad as Mr. P.
"N-no cure?" Mr. P queried. "This is serious! Can't you do anything?!"
"I'm sorry."
"No! I can't believe it! I won't believe it! You have to make a cure!"
"We don't know where to start. You'd be better off doing it yourself." Surgeon Katie chuckles.
"Quiet! If you bunch of buffoons won't make her a cure, I will make it myself!" The room gasped in fear. Badgy - Mr. P's head scientist - stepped forward. "Are you sure? You've never made a potion on your own before."
It's true. Mr. P never made a potion in his life. Just commanded his scientists.
Mr. P gave him a death stare.
"...But maybe you could! Nothing is wrong with that!" Badgy changed his decision unwillingly.
"Good. At least Badgy agrees!"
"I really don-"
"Now it's time for me to work on the cure. I will be back in 10 business days." Mr. P stormed off. Badgy sighed and shook his head.
"He'll end up killing her."
"Don't say that!" Surgeon Katie barked. "Just because he never made a potion before, doesn't mean he can't do it!"
Badgy nodded, and headed back to experimenting. Hadn't they known what was in store for the world the following week...
Mr. P began cooking up his new cure for the disease. Once he finished 10 days later, he stepped backwards from his new accomplishment. "Ah, she's ready!" He was done. He completed it. Without any help, no scientists, no doctors telling him 'You can't do this, you can't do that.' He did it. Now he just had to transport it to the world. "I'm back!" He entered the room of doctors and scientists. Not this guy again, I hate working for him! Badgy thinks to himself, keeping his mouth shut so it doesn't slip out into the real world. "Oh, yes you are..." Surgeon Katie frowned. "Show us the formula." Badgy sat up from his chair, intrigued to see what Mr. P had made. Well, I say intrigued, I mean that he was 1% interested and 99% terrified. Who wouldn't be? "Let's see what you made."
"Here it is." Mr. P brought a small glass over to the group. Sheepy gave a worried look. She'd seen some very terribly designed formulas before, but this was off the charts! "Nope. Nope. Nope, nope. Nnnnnoooope!" The group all turned around, Mr. P looked furious. He blared his giant, angry face at her. "What do you mean no?! I worked on this all week!"
"Are you 5? The Infensed Quadringlalasis is combined with the Onfensed Quadringlalasis. And the  78-I atoms aren't connected. The DNA code is also 628183837172781827272771A which is the match code of the tombstone discovered from 'The Great Insolence Incident of 3810 BC'. Did you hear the chants of 'Stitchy, Stitchy!'?" Katie alerted.
"Eh? That's just some old folklore made to scare people! Only a skunk would believe that, right Badgy?" Mr. P nudged into Badgy, who didn't look impressed by the joke. "I believe it."
Mr. P started holding in giggles. Badgy still kept a straight, serious face. "What? I do. Did you not hear about Kamosi, the Emperor of Egyptian Lucella?"
"I've heard of it many times. Ridiculous what comes to people's minds," said Mr. P, still laughing his head off after Badgy's question. "Anyways, I already put posters up for test subjects. So, haha."
Badgy scoffed at the thought of Mr. P putting posters up without permission. He began to think to himself about what could go wrong with this potion. And he had many guesses. MANY guesses.
The next evening, 3 residents walked into the hospital. One was a lady wearing purple clothes, a flower resting on her ear. Next to her was a man with a green hat wearing green clothes, almost everything about him green, besides his face, of course. And in front of them was a girl about 16 wearing a bright red dress. The lady began speaking. "Hello! We are just here for the testing. We volunteered for a guy named Mr. P's cure." The receptionist smiled and gave some information. "Do you have an appointment?" He requested. "Yes. I made an appointment under the names Anna and Peter Piggy." The woman replied.
"Ah, yes. And who is this little one?"
"I'm Penny." The teenager spoke.
"Hello, Penny. You and your parents are now ready for the testing. Room 306."
"Thank you so much." The man said. They all wandered into a hospital room to find Mr. P. "Hello! You must be the Piggy family. Have a seat, have a seat." The family walked over to the table and sat down. Mr. P began to speak again. "Won't be long. Just have to do some paperwork." After some form signing, Mr. P opened up the cabinet and pulled out 3 glasses filled with green liquid. He handed it to the family. After drinking the lot, Penny started to get a stomach ache. "Mum, dad. I'm not feeling too well."
"Don't worry, you'll be fine once it kicks in." Mr. P brought up some diagnostics on the monitor. "Good news! The analysis says that your body strength and overall energy have increased massively! You should be headed home."
"Yes. We better get back to Georgie." said the man. "He's our son but he didn't want to come to the potion testing. He said he didn't fancy it."
"Ok. Thank you for testing. Bye now!" The family left the hospital and thanked the receptionist on the way out. Mr. P headed back to the room with the scientists. "We need to give some of that stuff to my wife straight away!"
"Sir, the prototype is highly unstable," Badgy tried to convince Mr. P. "Are you sure we should give it to her?" Mr. P turned red in the face. "What are you trying to say? What time do we have? Get me the blasted substance!"
"I won't allow it!"
"She's running out of time! The Piggy family gained strength from that potion. Bunny, don't you agree?"
Bunny is Mr. P's Assistant, she is also his friend. "Uh, I think we should test more. Or at least wait a little longer." Mr. P shakes his head. "We have tested enough!" he barks. "Prepare a dose for my wife and meet me in her room!" Bunny goes to stop him but realises he's already left. "Tsk tsk," Sheepy tuts. Sheepy is another researcher. "He really needs to be more patient sometimes."

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