Chapter 3: Held Hostage

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A twist and a turn, and a turn and a twist, Player sprinted through the hallway searching for the key. "Come on, come on, come on, just come on!!!" He mumbled and groaned as he ran. The detective then went back to the kitchen and moved up to the counter. A golden key was there. Player smiled and snatched it off the counter. He ran at the speed of light back to the hallway and unlocked the door. He couldn't find anything but a hammer and a silver key. He took the exit. The exit needed a white key. He grabbed his silver key and went to check if it fits in. He slotted it in yet nothing happened. He couldn't twist it or push it in properly. It was the wrong key! He went upstairs and opened the attic door. He then noticed a door with a silver lock on it. Player ran over to the door and slotted the key in. He listened carefully and heard a click. He made a fist in victory and twisted the key around. Lefty loosy, righty tighty. That's what he was taught! After opening it, he ran inside. He found a bronze key and headed into the garden to find a shed. Inside he found a safe and a box of cogs. The cog box was incomplete though. Player looked and realised the box of gears powered the wishing well. If he could get all the gears into the box, maybe the bucket in the well would come up. He went back into the living room to find a gear. He took it back to the shed and slotted it into the box. Eureka! 1 more cog was needed. He just had to find it. He unlocked the safe with the bronze key. In it, he found his gun. Whoever was keeping him here must've taken his gun and locked it in here! He put it in his pocket and journeyed back into the house. One more gear. But as he walked through the hallway, he spotted something standing in the corridor. Somebody was carrying a baseball bat. They looked exactly like the girl Penny Piggy, brother of Georgie Piggy. Penny didn't look alright though. She had red eyes, and was walking aggressively towards Player with a baseball bat in her hand. "Who are you?!" Player demanded an answer, but Penny stayed silent. Very silent. As she walked towards him, she began to move her baseball bat upwards slowly. And as she finished approaching him, she raised her bat high in the air and let out a deafening screech!
Player quickly dodged the attack and ran in the opposite direction. Being trained as a Detective for 6 years, he had outstanding agility. So he managed to quickly outrun Penny and made his way to the Staircase.
He found a room with a cog in it. He picked it up sprinted for his life to the shed. I need to get out of here, fast, he thought to himself.
Penny was still approaching Player with all her energy focusing on gripping onto her baseball bat. She thrusted it into Player's direction, but he quickly avoided it and continued down the corridor.
He ran, and ran until tripping over an upturned wooden plank.
For a sixteen year old, this girl is smart! He thought.
Right on cue, Penny appeared, prepared to deliver the final blow via thumping her baseball bat onto his head.
She raised it in the air once more, Player's eyes containing great horror. And BANG! Out Player went.
"You are going to tell me where he is, Doggy," Poley intimidated his target. "You classified him for the mission. He hasn't arrived. If he dies, this man's blood is on your hands."
Doggy looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact with his angry boss. "Sir, he'll be back. Besides, how could he have died? It's not like Georgie's family are complete psychopaths!"
"LET ME GO, YOU COMPLETE PSYCHOPATH!!!" Penny had locked Player in the basement, depriving him of his tools. "SPEAK TO ME! Why are you doing this?!" He called up to her on the staircase, but Penny did not respond. "You are insane! You can't kidnap me like this!" Player absorbed some well-needed oxygen before he continued. "I am a Detective with the LPD. I will have you sentenced for a lifetime! You hear me?! A lifetime! And you didn't take my notepad, so I should prepare a sentence for you."
"It's been 6 hours." Poley stared straight into Doggy's soul.
"He will be fine. He is even more skilled than me!" Doggy replied.
"Exactly. That is why we can't lose him. You are going to get your tools, and you are gonna find him!"
"You can't just call me on my day off, requesting me to go and search for some Detective who's been gone for a small amount of time!"
"SILENCE!" Poley barked. Doggy looked closer and noticed pure red burning in this man's eyes. Poley gave him a Death stare causing Doggy to retreat his focus back to the storage cabinet. "I'll get my stuff." He said, stumbling over to the cabinet. "God, Player, I hope you're okay..."
Player stayed in silence, thinking of his plan. As much as I would love to write a sentence down under Penny Piggy for Officer Abduction, my dyslexic mind will have to make it wait. He scanned his tool belt and found the hammer. He noticed there is another vent blocked by a wooden plank. He began to pry it open. If only he could have noticed the furious face behind him...
Doggy grabbed anything to use for a search. A torch, a gun, etc. He walked back to the doors before hearing a blaring noise.
"Oh god." Doggy grumbled. "Not this again..."
SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH! Penny swung at Player with her bat. Player quickly dodged and headed through the vent. "I have to get out of here!" He mumbled. He went through the tunnel and into the shed. He popped both gears into place. The well bucket came up and revealed a white key. Player grabbed it and ran into the basement before getting into the living room and using the white key on the exit door. He swiftly made an escape just on time. "What in the world was that thing?!" He questioned himself. "It looked so familiar yet I have never seen anything like it. Not to mention it tried to attack me... I should report this to the station. I hope Doggy's alright."
"POLEY! COME QUICK!" Doggy tried to yell but the sound was overtaken by the blaring alarm. He scanned the room to find the source of danger. And he regretted it deeply. Around seven infected were marching towards the station, furiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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