Part 3 Changes?

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Heyy guys apologies for the last chapter because it was so short but honestly i didn't know what else to put there 😭😭 sorry again

•Chapter 3| Changes?•

It's been a few weeks now since garp brought you to Dadans but you've become really good friends with Luffy Ace & Sabo already!!

you guys have a lot of adventures and train alot together because they all want to be pirates when they grow up.

"Hey y/n what do you want to be when you grow up?" luffy asks
"i- uhm"
you honestly have no idea what you want to do when you grow up
you kinda just wanna stay with Luffy Ace and Sabo because it's so much fun around them and they care for you since you have no other friends or family.

" i don't know" you say
"well you can come with me when i become king of the pirates if you want shishishi" luffy says
you smile
"thank you luffy"
"same goes for you guys" he says looking at Ace and sabo
"No wayyyy" "in your dreams" they shout
"i'm gonna be captain" Ace says
"yeah me too" sabo says
you laugh because theyre all always so stubborn.

"Anyways come on guys! We still have to catch dinner for us to take to Dadan" Ace said
"oh yeah youre right" sabo says "i totally forgot about that"
"maaaaaaaaaan i'm hungry" luffy says
"okay lets gooo" you say

The four of you go into the forest to hunt for dinner and find a huuuge bear
"thats the one" Sabo says
"okay luffy, y/n you two go catch the bears attention meanwhile Sabo and me kill it. Got it?" Ace said
"sure i can do that" you say
"nooo i wanna help too" luffy says
"next time luffy alright" Sabo says
"no fair" luffy says pounding but yet still does like hes told

•lil skip•

So after we brought our dinner to dadans and ate a whole lot (especially luffy),
dadan tells us to go take a bath since we all played in the woods and got dirty af

"alright" the boys say and storm into the bathroom
you wait outside for them to finish so you can take a bath aswell

"Oi y/n aren't you gonna come too" luffy says
"luffy shes a girl" sabo wispered but you still heard it
"and? everyone has to bath right?" luffy says innocently
*you blush*
*how embarrassing* you think
"luffy we cant bath with y/n we are guys" Ace says
"i dont mind bathing with y/n
i like y/n shishishi" luffy says
*huh* you think
*did he just say he likes me*
*naaah he probably didn't mean it like that*


*why is my heart pounding so much*
*do i..*
*do i really like luffy?!*
*oh nooo please no*
your thoughts get interrupted because the bathroom door opens
luffy Ace and Sabo come out with towels
"alright your turn" sabo says
"uh yeah right Thanks" you say still lost in thought and go take a bath
after you finished you go into your room (you guys all share one room)  and go to bed with the others

Alright thats it for this chapter !
i really hope its not to bad i just run out of ideas even tho i always have so many scenarios in my head 😩😩 help

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