Just the Way You Are

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Zander nuzzled his head into Luke's chest, hugging him tightly. The taller boy laughed endearingly.


Zander turned his head and met his eyes with a partly needy, partly annoyed expression. Even though he had seen them thousands of times, Luke still felt his breath catch at Zander's gaze; shimmering and beautiful. It reminded him of just how enthralling his boyfriend was.

"Yeah," Zander murmured, snapping Luke out of his little daydream.

He grinned down at the pianist, gently stroking his hair. Zander gave a little sigh of contentment, and they stayed silent for a while.

Zander was the one to break it. "Hey Luke?" he asked meekly.


A pause, where Zander hesitated. Did he really want to sour the moment? Yes, he decided, looking up into Luke's eyes. This had been nagging at him for a while now, and he needed to get it off of his chest. He knew he could tell Luke anything.

"Why me?"

Luke tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Why did you fall in love with me?"

Luke inhaled. Oh.

Zander continued, "I mean, there are so many people—so many other people, better people that you could have fallen for. Why was it me?"

"Well," Luke started, "you're witty and funny. You can be so kind and considerate to the people you love. You're charming and loyal. You're also handsome, and I love your smile and your laugh. But above all, you're my best friend. I have so many positive memories and experiences with you, and we know each other so well. You're the one I go to when I need help or just want to talk, and I can trust you with my life. You always know how to make me smile or laugh, and you make my life better by just being yourself. And I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true."

He glanced down again to see those beautiful lavender eyes shining with tears, and an even tighter grip on his torso. Zander met his eyes and smiled a grateful, genuine smile. "God," he said, wiping his eyes, "what did I do to deserve you?"

Luke grinned back at him. "Everything."

•    •    •

Luke walked into the music room to see the club members chatting animatedly. He smiled at their antics, clutching a piece of paper in his hand. Hailey spotted him and went over to him.

"Hey Luke!" she greeted. "Today we'll be going over the songs again and polishing any bits that need work."

"Ok," he replied. "Uh, hey, Hailey?"


He awkwardly waved the hand that was holding the paper at her. "Um, I wrote another song and I was hoping you'd perform it for us."

She sighed. "Luke, I'd love to, but we have to perfect our pieces for the competition. There's still so much that needs to get done!"

"I know, but I wanted it to be a gift for Zander. I felt like he needed some reassurance." Luke gave her his best puppy-eyed look. "Please?"

Hailey sighed again. "Alright," she agreed begrudgingly. "But it has to be quick, ok?"

He nodded excitedly. "Of course! It will be. Thank you, Hailey!"

She smiled and took the paper from him. "No problem."

A few minutes later, the first notes of the track started playing, and Hailey's voice joined in.

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