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*Taylor's POV*
I feel asleep watching Switched At Birth. When I woke up we where landing in 5 minutes so I started texting the ladies to see where they were.
*End Of POV*

Taylor: Guys just checking in where are you guys????

*Taylor's POV*
No one answer my text. I was getting off the plane so I put my phone away .and after 10 minutes of them checking everything I walked to sit down and to check Twitter and to see if they texted me. Every one said that they won't get to Florida till 2 and I checked my phone at it was 11 by the time I got outside so I had 3 hours until everyone gets to Florida so I got to my hotel room and put my stuff away and looked at my phone and nothing new was going on so I turned on the T.V and nothing was on. It was now 1 so I went to Starbucks and then went back to the hotel and took a really quick nap and when I woke up I checked my phone once again an seen that I got a text form Trinity she said " Hey girl, we all are going to meat at the mall at 2:25am so we can all see each other for the first time all at once and I look at my phone and seen that it was 2am so I fixed my make up and hair and walked out the door and got in a cab 15 minutes later I payed the guy and got out of the cab and texted them and told them that I was at the mall. When I walked in I walked up stairs and every one ran to each other into a big group hug every one was crying and no one wanted to let go!

Omg guys right the last part made me want to cry I want this to happen so badly if you guys didn't know every one in this book is apart of a YouTube channel known as BehindTheCamera or BTC!~Taylor💋

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