Siege of the Predator

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Axle's POV

The constant clanging of boots against the metal floor echoed through the hallways of the Predator. Blaster fire could be heard throughout the ship. Explosions shook the mighty destroyer like a violent wave crushing a city. There was no doubt about it. The Predator was at war.

We turned a corner to find 4 338th Marines running down the hall.

"Sir!" The lead trooper called. "Glad we found you. The ship has gone to hell. Men are scattered across the ship cut off from their squads. I've lost a few good men keeping this hall clear."

"We need to get to the hangar!" Chase responded.

The trooper nodded and pointed behind him.

"We've managed to clear a path, but the hangar entrance is covered with 332nd."

"We'll take care of it." I answered and the squad started running down the hallway.

I stopped and turned around to look at the 4 troopers. They stayed put and started taking defensive positions. 

"You're not coming?" I asked with some frustration.

The lead trooper charged up his blaster.

"Someone has to protect your blind side, Sir. We'll hold them off. Get off this ship!"

His voice made it less of a suggestion and more like an order. The troopers stood strong and determined to hold the line...At the cost of their lives. The 4 troopers saluted me and I gave a soiled nod to them, then turned to follow Chase and the others.

I wasn't worth their sacrifice. I should be the one taking the risk. They were going to die and they know it. But they are doing it to get me out of here. I should be the one telling them to get off this ship; telling them that I will hold off the attack. I will ensure they escape safely.

 We made it to the hangar doors where several 332nd troopers stood guard. Chase turned to look at me, looking for an order. I nodded and ignited my single blade. The troopers turned to fire as we charged.

I kicked one of the troopers in the chest, sending him flying into the wall behind him. Another trooper pointed his blaster at me, but I quickly sliced it in half and force pushed him back.

Suddenly, a squad of 332nd reinforcements turned the corner and opened fire. I was caught off guard and could barely deflect the bolts away. They came in so fast, I couldn't keep up. 

A bolt flew past my defenses and grazed my arm. I winced at the pain, but shook it off and unhooked my shoto blade from the main hilt and ignited it, but the blue plasma came in too quickly. 

A bolt came out of nowhere. I watched it, almost in slow motion. My eyes followed the plasma, but my arms couldn't get to the bolt fast enough. The plasma made contact with Glock's chest armor.

"CAPTAIN!!!" Some of the lower ranking troopers shouted out and immediately pulled him back. 

I jumped in front to protect him, but not before another bolt hit him in the stomach. I watched in horror as his blood dripped out of his body. The sound of his armor clanged against the floor as the troopers shouting continued. 

Chase yelled in rage and fired as fast as he could toward the mind-controlled clones. A sudden anger washed over me. I felt my eyes burn like a fire erupted inside me. Lightning ignited around my arms. I didn't bother to control it.

Almost like instinct I threw my arms forward. The lightning flowed from my arms to my hands to the hilt of my sabers and finally to the green plasma itself. The lighting supercharged around the blade and shot towards the clones. The 332nd troopers erupted into electricity. Their screams too loud to hear before they collapsed to the ground.

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