The Happenings

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Dan started playing the track that reminded him of Phil most. As the chorus came, Dan felt that pain in his heart once again, which had barely stopped since last night. Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls reminded Dan of how Phil told him he felt whenever the mocking, judging of or plain bullying was happening, Phil had explained to Dan that he wanted to hide away from all life, to hide in Dan's arms and to feel his warm breath on his cheeks. Dan felt so lonely now Phil had gone. The whole story, over a week, played back In Dan's head, over and over again, like mix tape on replay.  


"Dan!!! Are you ready to start filming?!" Phil chanted down the hallway, to Dan who was sitting half awake on the breakfast bar, munching on his crunchy crisp cereal, sleepily.  

"Urgh I suppose so.." Dan muttered and got up from the stool.  

Dan dragged his heels on the floor as he moodily went into his bedroom, grabbed his towel and slumped into the bathroom to have a nice cold shower. 

"Thank fuck for that! I feel so much better after that Phil" Dan said cheerily coming out of the bathroom. "Phil? Phiiiiil...?" No reply came from Phil's soft, pink lips. "Where has that boy got to now?!"  

Dan proceeded to walk into his bedroom, blow-dry his hair and straighten it ready for filming a collab with Phil. As Dan walked around the decent sized flat, him and Phil shared, he noticed a post-it note on the sofa arm, reading 

'Needed air, had to get out, be back in an hour. Sorry. Phillion :p <3x<3. ' 

"Damn that cute little phillion" Dan said aloud.

As Dan had an hour to spare he decided, by no surprise, that he would catch up on twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Tumblr. Dan lost track of time and realized he had been mucking around on the Internet for almost two hours!  

"Oh god, where is Phil?" Dan started to worry as he knew Phil wasn't his usual self today.

Phil snuck out of the flat, knowing Dan wouldn't mind him piping out for an hour or so. He picked up his wallet, keys and phone and headed for the door. "Oh wait, better write a note. I don't want to worry Dan."  

Phil walked through the streets of Manchester, breathing in the fresh air. Phil didn't want to believe he had depression, but after his school says and all the bullying and beatings he couldn't cope. Now happily in university, he shared a flat with Dan. Dan. Dan was his best friend. Dan was the person he could trust with anything. "I love him" Phil thought as he sat on the side of the fountain him and Dan walked past every day. "I love him. But what can I do? There is nothing I can do, I need to tell him, I can't keep kidding myself." A lonely tear rolled down Phil's cheek, onto his lap. The fountain had already soaked his back, but rain stared pouring down, masking Phil's tidal wave tears. He howled and sniffled as he remembered how much he loved Dan. It was then he realized the harsh footsteps behind him. All he knew then was that a hard fist punched his face causing blood to poor from his nose. This happened several times. Big feet kicked his stomach causing him to help and fall to the ground. "STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PLEASE GET OFF! Please?" Phil whimpered. He didn't know what was happening, it all happened so quickly, he couldn't fight back. Someone sat on him as he was in a ball, curled up on the ground. Another punch came to his temple, causing Phil's eyes to slam shut, and unconsciousness to take over, leaving Phil peacefully in the middle of the pavement, rainy still pouring down on him.

Dan got really worried, Phil was always punctual? What has happened to his beloved best friend? The one he.. The one he loved. He needed to tell him. He couldn't keep it in any longer. "Fuck sake! Why can't I be normal?!" A tear rolled down his warm rosy cheek, and dripped off his chin before he could wipe it away. Dan grabbed his keys and went out in the drenching rain. It was the type of rain where if you stepped out in it, you'd be soaked through in two seconds. Dans eyes flashed with fear and anxiety, he spent a good hour searching the dingy streets for his love. He had searched everywhere apart from the fountain where him and Phil walked past every time they went to get a shake-away.

Phil had come back to consciousness for about ten minutes before he realized what had happened and how much pain he felt. Phil heard rushing footsteps and then the voice he'd been wanting to hear for, what seemed like, forever. "Phil! Oh god Phil!"

Dan cried out "Phil! Oh god Phil!" As he saw what state Phil was in. Blood and gashes on his face and bruises all over, from what Dan could see. Dan stood there for ten seconds in shock and suddenly adrenalin kicked in. "Fucking hell Phil! Are you okay?! Who did this?! What happened?! Phil talk to to me!" Phil, however, was too weak to talk. So Dan scooped him up gently in his strong, tanned arms and carried him all the way back to their flat, most of the time screaming at Phil and covering him from any more rain.

Dan must've dropped his keys in the process of running Phil home because when he approached their flat door he didn't feel them in his pocket. So he placed phil gently on the corridor floor, and rammed the door, with his shoulder. He broke the lock. He gasped as he felt pain ripple through his body, from the impact of the door, but determined, he scooped Phil up and ran him to Dan's bed, so he'd be safe and warm. He ran back to the door and as Dan was quite the handyman, fiddled around with the lock, and pushed it back into place. He slammed the door behind him.

Dan sat beside Phil's head and stroked his jet black, messy hair. Dan forgot about Phil's sopping wet clothes so he decided to turn the heating up And slip off Phil's t-Shirt and jeans, flinching at the sight of all the bruises. " let's get you in se dry pjs then eh?" Dan said, still waiting for a reply, but knowing none was coming.

A good few hours passed and Dan kept his eyes fixed on Phil, wondering how to tell him he loved him, wondering if he would ever see them ocean blue eyes again, or hear his beautiful deep voice again? Just then, Phil's eyes fluttered open and met Dan's deep, chocolate eyes. "Oh my god Phil, I thought I'd never see your beautiful eyes again! I was so worried! I love you Phil! And I can't live without you! Don't leave me like that ever again?!" Dan blurted out, before realizing what he said he smashed his hands against his lips.


Authors notice; 

Hello whoever is reading this, this story hasn't finished yet and will be added to fairly soon, I hope to make this into a short novel and keep adding to it, but keeping it as eventful as possible. Thank you for reading this!

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