Chapter Two

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My first four classes blew by quickly. Eren was already in two of my classes, and I've noticed that he's very fidgety. He's always either tapping the desk with a pencil, playing with his fingers, or tapping his feet. In third period math, our math teacher, Mr. Bertholdt, made him sit on his hands because he kept tapping the desk when he was going over classroom rules. After fourth period, the ninth grade lunch bell rang and all freshman stormed to the cafeteria.

Jean sat next to Marco and immediately began flirting with him. Marco was certainly not complaining. Krista and Ymir sat together. Connie, Sasha, and Annie all sat together. Levi sat with his usual squad. Thankfully, he was the only bully in that group. He sat with Hanji, Petra, and Erwin. Several other students filed in and found their groups. Unlike them, I didn't have a group to join. I sat in the same corner I was seated at this morning and began to read even though it was definitely not quiet or peaceful. I heard bickering coming my way. I ignored it until I saw who it was.

"Stop babying me, Mikasa! Just because you're a year older than me it doesn't mean you can try to act like my mom." He sat right across from me. Really, all the other tables were completely filled up but mine. A girl, from who I hear to be Mikasa, sat next to him. Wait, if she's a year older than him she must be in 10th grade... why is she in for 9th grade lunch?

"Oh, hey, Armin." He still gave me no eye contact of his. He didn't even give eye contact to Mikasa.

"Who's that?" Mikasa had really black hair. It was almost black enough that you couldn't really tell the color of it. She sat straight upright next to Eren.

"It's Armin. She's in my homeroom, math, and history class." I flinched at the word 'she' he threw in there.

"I-I'm a boy.." Eren jolted upright and looked me in the eyes for the first time. I've never noticed this detail about him because he's always had his head down, but his eyes aren't the same color. One of them is very bright green and the other is golden. The green eye shined and the golden one looked like compressed paint, but not in a bad way. It actually looked very cool.

"Hey, can you hear me?" he waved at me and smiled. "I'm sorry I mistook you for a girl, I hope you forgive me." He furrowed his brow. "I actually mistake people like that a lot I'm not a very good observer-"

"No it's fine, people mix me up all the time." He nodded and viciously ate the hamburger on his tray.

"Why aren't you eating anything?" He looked at his empty tray and towards me again.

"I forgot to bring money," he stood up and motioned for me to stand as well.

"I'll buy you some, I brought extra money." I insisted that it was okay and he didn't need to buy me lunch, but he wouldn't listen and bought me lunch anyways.

"Thanks, Eren." he scratched the back of his head and sat back down. "Oh, Mikasa, aren't you in 10th grade?" she nodded her head with an emotionless expression.

"Yeah, but I don't like it when my brother is alone. He tends to get in fights. A lot. And anyway, I have free period during 4th."

"Shut up, Mikasa!" He jumped up furiously and put his tray on the rack. He stormed back and sat back down next to her.

I bit into my peanut butter and jelly sandwich as they continued to argue. Mikasa put up a better argument, but Eren had more determination over winning the argument. Unfortunate for Eren, logic goes over strength in debates and he always lost. Something about the way Eren's face always looked really intrigued me. He always looked angry because his eyebrows were always angular and narrowed, and he was always in a frown. He also always kept his eyes squinted shut a little bit. Mikasa on the other hand never smiled, but never frowned. She never showed any emotion at all, but she did seem overprotective over Eren. Both seem to be coping with something that has happened in very different ways. Mikasa seems to be trying to not show any emotion at all, and Eren seems to be angry at... well... everything and everyone. Though he is fidgety, he is very attentive. More so than he seems.

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