Chapter 3 (Vivienne)

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I was concerned when Jack mentioned that he planned to stay around for my return to work after the incident. I was quite nervous, but I trusted him nonetheless. If it were possible, I would have stayed home the entire week to avoid the trouble, but I didn't want to disappoint Jack and deny him the chance to see me make ice cream and test his flavoring skills.

I wish I had made some breakfast before leaving, or at least tried to contact Shaun. I honestly feel bad now, but since he wasn't there anyway, I guess I shouldn't feel too bad. I almost reached the building of the dreaded ice cream and frozen yogurt store where I work, and I was surprised to see Jack holding the door open for me.

I used to believe that ghosts or spirits couldn't touch or move things. However, in middle school, Shaun taught me about different types of ghosts and spirits. I wasn't a fan of ghosts, but they didn't bother me either, so I guess I wasn't bothered by the idea of them.

After walking inside with a very sexy Jack giving me his famous smile I almost melted on the spot but noticed that Adam had taken my place behind the counter.

I felt that something was instantly wrong and I started straight ahead towards Adam and as soon as I reached the counter, he stopped me by saying "Vivienne I have one question to ask you."

I wondered if it was regarding my hunch on who was stealing from the register, "Ask away." I replied.

He looked at me with scanning eyes and asked me, "Were you conversating with a boy named Nick on the day you worked on Friday?"

I thought about it and I honestly didn't care to notice anyone that came into the shop, my job is to sell damn frozen yogurt cups and ice cream with a smile on my face and not give two shits about who came in.

I thought long and hard and asked, "What did he look like?" with a confused look on my face.

He came from behind the counter and stood right in the spot next to Jack making him startled, "Tall emo looking young man, has a piercing on his lip, dark bags under his eyes, good looking." he described with a recalling look.

As soon as he said it, I remembered the cute emo guy that came that day, "Yes I have seen him that Friday but I didn't converse with him that much." I recalled thoughtfully.

"Sunshine...I don't like where this is going." Jack said instantly making me turn to him, "You should tell him that he was just bothering you sunshine, he's taken care of so it's no worries anyway.", with a smug face he said that in front of me. I wondered what he had meant by that and I plan to ask him later what did that mean.

"Vivienne, what are you looking at?", my boss asked me when I realized I was supposedly
staring at a wall.

"Nothing, I'm just very tired, that's all. But I wanted to ask you, is the guy okay?" I said. When I did, I heard a growl in my head, along with Jack's voice saying, "Sunshine, he doesn't deserve your concern."

I wanted to tell Jack to be quiet, but I couldn't risk looking crazy in front of my boss. I've already had enough crazy things happen this week, and I can't handle another one.

Adam shook his head sighing "His head is in critical condition, he's not in a good place right now."

"I don't know what could have happened to him, which leads me to my next question." he sighed, "Were you responsible or have a part in what happened to him?"

I was instantly offended when he asked me and I felt myself getting angry and upset at what he was asking me, yes at times I would be aloof, or I would be carefree and blunt but it didn't mean I would hurt anyone.

"No, I would never do something like that Adam, you know me, if you don't believe me, you can check the cameras" I exasperated running my hands down my face in frustration.

Jack chirped in  my ear, "Of course, you wouldn't sunshine, you're an amazing person and have a big heart."

I started to blush but realized that Adam was still there and I was waiting for his response to my claim and testimony, "Alright I believe you" he said with a relieved expression.

I now want answers just like him because I don't want to be dragged into this, "What made you think it was me?"

"He kept calling your name when they found him; he almost froze to death in the icy, rainy weather," he replied with a sad expression while prepping the counters with ice cream and yogurt toppings.

It's usually not this cold in Arizona but it's somewhat winter season, Still, I don't understand why it is that I somehow got dragged into this but I felt so bad that he thought of me while he was having a breakdown. I truly am now scared and horrified that I would now be a suspect in police eyes, and He would find out and then try to play rescuer.

"What do you mean he kept calling my name, I barely know the g-" I was interrupted when two policemen walked into the shop,  One of the officers approached me and asked, "Are you, Vivienne Emelda?"

"Yes, I am," I replied feeling worried they were going to arrest me without questioning me.

I heard Jack's voice get angry with a growl, "Why are they here? They shouldn't be harassing you or questioning you at work." he said angrily

"It's ok" I replied to him.

"Um Ms.Emelda are you speaking to us?" the two policemen looking at me confused, reminding me to keep my mouth from replying to Jack.

"Everything is fine, officers. I just remembered to take out the trash this morning," I said with a nervous chuckle. It was literally the worst lie I could come up with, making me feel stupid. "It's okay, sunshine. You don't have to reply. Just focus on talking to them. I'll be here, baby," Jack said understandingly in my head. I gave a small nod for affirmation.

"We're going to need you to come with us down to the station to put in your statement on what happened to Nick Everdeen." the policeman said looking me up and down.

I must've had a guilty look or a scared shitless look because the second officer looked at me with pity, I decided the faster I went to get this done, the faster I could come back to work and go home, "Alright I'll come with you for the statement."

I looked back at Adam to tell him I'd make it up to him when I got back but he explained "Dont worry Viv, I'll take your spot until you're done, I'll be here for you either way." with a very determined face he gave a nod affirming that, and I knew that he also meant about the situation.

"Thank you, Adam," I said genuinely with a small smile on my face. Returning his nod, I turned to the officers. "Ok, I'm ready," I announced, determined to get my statement done and get answers as to why and how I was part of this.

"Alright, Ms. Emelda, come take a drive with us to the station. We promise we won't keep you long," the officers guided me to the front door of the store. 

The door banged open against the shelves in the store, making a brute strong force of wind hit me in the face and everyone in the room stumble back. When I turned around to look around for Jack he was gone.

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