My dad helps me get my stuff unloaded at the elevator. He groans complaining "Why did they have to give you a dorm on the highest floor?" I sigh. he says "I'm sorry my dear I'm just nervous about you leaving home." the doors open and we go to my dorm. I unlock the door using the key they gave me. I turn the nob and push the door open. The guys would be playing video games and vaping. I look at my dad and they would completely ignore us. I get my stuff unpacked and me and my dad step outside. "you remember what I've taught you? do so anything inappropriate have fun and get good grades." I nod and I say "yes sir" He hugs me tightly and says "I love you my little porcupine." I smile and say "I love you too." I go back into my room and the guys would continue to ignore me. There would be a bookshelf I put my books on and I hang my clothes up inside the cupboard in the room. I get my bed straightened with the set I brought. I clean up their mess "what a bunch of pigs" I mumble under my breath. I check my bank acc to see if I have enough money to get food. I have enough to buy wings and a drink, just what I need. I order my food and wait a while. I read while the guys behind me make a whole hell lot of noise. I get a notification that my food is here and I open the door. I get the food and tip the guy. I wash my hands and I turn around to eat. the food whole be gone. "these wings are bussin bussin." I'd get pissed and stand in front of the tv. "those are my fucking wings, where are some manners" they say "move the fuck out the way" I groan and move out of their way. I lay down and sleep without eating. I wake up around 3 in the morning to the room empty and a guy saying "you finally woke up, you have interesting books" I say "why the fuck did you and your friends eat my food and stop going through my fucking stuff." He puts the book down and walks towards me. He'd be so close to me. He stops when I'm on the edge of my bed. He backs up and says"stand up and do a little twirl." I pause for a quick second. He says "do what I said to you, pretty angel." "Dude leave her alone." I hear someone speak from the other side of the room. "Jp I was just having fun," he says. The other dude I assume was jp would say "that's not how you treat a pretty lady," the guy backs away and leaves the room saying "ill see you tomorrow at orientation. Jp says "I didn't eat any wings so there's some in the fridge for you and an apple juice." he gets up and stays quiet. He'd have roses in his hand. He says "these were for you bc I know you were moving in but the guys came over and I had to lie that my mom gave them to me." I take the roses and I grab the empty vase under the sink." thank you" he nods and says "get in the bed you have orientation tomorrow and I'm sorry about not introducing myself earlier when you and your dad walked in, but my name is Jp" I nod and say "my name is Jet" he gives a slight grin. "well there's a couple of rules. The guys will up and own you unless I tell them that you belong to someone else." I nod "there's a catch tho, if you don't want your friends to touch me", I circle him and then stop to place my hand on his chest. "then you have to prove to them I'm yours" he says I don't do bargains, but if this works out then I get to have you my way in a week time that's when we start so it won't be suspicious, but we hold hands starting tomorrow and kiss if you're comfortable with it" I nod and say " deal" I hold my hand out. he shakes my hand "deal". I go in the kitchen and warm up the food, and dring some of the apple juice. I sigh and he says "how was your drive here?" while wiping the sauce off my cheek. "it was good, but long tho, it sucked bc we had to stop to stretch twice and ive never thought of living or going to florida." mhe looks at me weirdly "wait youve never visited florida?" I shake my head no. He says "well theres alot to show you since your here. I blush and he notices. "Blushing huh?" he lifts my chin. my eyes widen and he says "oh yeah your deff blushing." he smirks. I roll my eyes. I finish my food and he throws my stuff away. "thank y-" he lifts me up and carries me to his bed. "Why your bed?" He says "because the guys like to walk in on me randomly. now take your shirt off so it can look believable." he takes his off and I take mine off. "you have a boner," he says "so what?" I blush as he pulls me closer to him one hand is on my waist and the other is under my neck. I hear noise bust through the door and his friends. I hold onto him bc it startled me. "guys get the fuck out I'm trying to sleep" they wouldn't listen and I feel like they would be getting closer. "who's that you got there?" he would sound irritated "none of your business." they would pull the covers off of us and would say " ohhh so you decided to hook up with your slutty roommate?" I get up and punch the guy but he grabs my hand. "nice boobs" he dips me and Jp would say "let her go, she's not your toy she's mine you sick fucks." He grabs me and puts his shirt on me. He scoots me behind him and says "your not invited back into my dorm anymore so go back to your dorms ill see yall tomorrow." They would leave immediately and he'd pull me back into his bed. "so I'm your toy huh?" he lifts my chin "only when you want to be and beg me to use you like one." We finally fall asleep with him saying I liked when the shirt was off." I take the shirt off and he goes to sleep with me in his arms.

RandomTrying to move into a new dorm getting bullied by his friends, bargining, and sex to keep the bargin real. But one slip up could push them both over the edge. From not falling in love to falling in love with one another.