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Namra was surprised to find Suhyeok already standing outside the main house before she walked out.

He looked so eager to search for his missing grandmother while Namra was already expecting to see her dead mother inside their house. After all, if she was alive, she would have fled to their school to save her.

She gave him a Katana she took from the weapon room before she went out of the house. She wouldn't want Suhyeok to be empty-handed - his safety is her priority right now. She won't even let any zombie touch him.

"Let's start with your place," she suggested. "How far is it from here?"

"Quite far," he answered. "We should at least find a bicycle for us to ride."

Her eyes widened. "There's a house with two bikes in their yard. Let's get those. It's on the way, anyway."

Suhyeok nodded. "Don't you want to ride on my bike?" Namra's eyebrows furrowed for a second, making him realize what he just asked. "I mean, I can pedal, you can sit at the back."

"It's faster if we ride separately, Suhyeok. But you'd be safer if I was behind you. Can you handle pedalling with an added weight?"

"Of course! My legs are tougher than it looks." He patted his thigh. "You saw me kick some zombies' asses when we're at school, right?"

"I couldn't focus on anyone that time," she admitted. "There was a lot going on in my mind the first time we got out of the room. I'm sorry."

"Oh, that's alright. Then I can just prove it to you today." He stopped walking and pointed a finger to the bikes lying on the ground at a nearby house. "Are those what you're talking about?"


Suhyeok smiled as he walked towards the abandoned house, excited to get the bigger bike. "It's been a while since I rode one again."

"You had one before?"

"Yes, but it's already too small for me to ride so I gave it to one of the kids in our neighborhood who wanted it."

Somehow, Namra felt proud of him "Do you still know how?"

He smirked. "Let's see." He rode the bike and started pedalling like it's a daily thing he does, proving that he still knew how to ride a bike, even circling around Namra with ease.

"Well? Is this good enough for you, Prez?" he asked.

Namra shrugged. "Good enough," she said, although she was showing him a small smile.

The smile just put a bigger smile on Suhyeok's face. He stopped beside Namra and covered his mouth. "Sorry, I just couldn't get used to seeing you smile."

"It's okay. I couldn't used to seeing you get flushed every time you see that either." She placed a hand on his shoulder, the sudden contact making Suhyeok's ears turn red. Then, she hopped on the bike, standing behind him as her hands rested on his broad shoulders. "Let's go. I'll open the gate when we get there."

"Y- you can't just say something like that and expect me to move on that quickly," he said before starting to pedal. "Choi Namra, really..."

Namra chuckled. "Lee Suhyeok, your ears are so red."

"And now, you're chuckling..." he mumbled, getting more flushed with the new experiences he's having with Namra. Sighing, he tried to bring his focus back to the task at hand. "Let's go!"

It was quiet outside the subdivision.

There were no zombies around, so the two of them managed to get far for at least two kilometers before spotting a group of zombies outside a restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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