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A/N: First: This story contains spoilers from season 5 episode 4. Read at own risk. Second: This is my second Jamie x Eddie story. Third: I just found out our ship is called Jamko and I think it is the cutest little ship name around town. Please read, enjoy, and review.

Eddie had just asked me to play some darts and have a few beers. I told her I was busy and had a date with that doctor from the hospital. She told me she wasn't jealous or anything. I didn't buy it one bit. Then she teased me saying maybe she was a little jealous. Then she suddenly had this really hurt expression on her face. I didn't miss that at all. I looked down at Eddie and said "I don't have to go if you don't want me too. I can stay with you."

"Go have fun with her" Eddie replied with a hurt but controlled voice.

I knew she needed me and she was really jealous. I took off my jacket and began rolling my sleeves up. "Uh what are you doing Jamie? You are going to be late for your date." Eddie said with a hurried voice.

She wanted this to be over so she could go back to drowning her sorrows out. She hated that stupid doctor cutie face from the hospital. She actually despised her. "What does it look like to you Eddie? I am staying with you and blowing off my date." Jamie answered simply.

Eddie looked up at Jamie and a single tear slid down her cheek. She caught herself and wiped it away before Jamie saw it. But Jamie being ever observant noticed and realized he had touched her emotionally. "Why would you do that for me?" Eddie asked.

"Because you are my partner and I like you and I was just hanging out with that doctor to be nice." Jamie said.

Eddie looked surprised by his confession. Eddie knew Jamie had a really kind heart. Jamie continued "I didn't have the heart to tell her I only flirted with her because my partner asked me to. And that I had feelings for said partner".

Eddie was so overjoyed at Jamie's next confession that she blurted out "I have feelings for you too partner".

It was his turn to be shocked as she told him exactly what he had hoped and prayed to hear. He grabbed a beer from Eddie's hand then grabbed her free hand and said "Now let's go play some darts partner".

"You got it Reagan" she replied in a flirty tone. He kissed Eddie on her forehead and then they walked over to the dart board for a competition.

"You are so gonna lose Janko" Jamie said in a confident tone.

"Oh yeah? It's so on Reagan" Eddie threw back even more confidently then Jamie had.

"Oh and Eddie" he started as they reached the dart board "that kiss we shared before was not a mistake. I meant to kiss you partner." Jamie finished.

Eddie looked over at him and said "I meant to kiss you too partner".

After the confessions the two of them had so much fun. It was so worth it ditching that doctor whatever her name was, Jamie realized as he looked at Eddie. And at the end of the night all he could remember was Eddie and how much she smiled and laughed with him.

The end

A/N: Well I hope you liked the story and you leave me nice reviews.

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