vi. the voicemail

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Jackson noticed the happy look on Bianca's face

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Jackson noticed the happy look on Bianca's face. It made him smile slightly. It looked so genuine. Jackson didn't know if she ever truly smiled because he never saw it. He appreciated her smile.

"What's that smile for?" Jackson asked. She turned and they started to walk together.

"Well, if you must know, I asked Xavier to the Rave'N, and he said yes." Bianca let out to him. Jackson thought for a moment, his reaction could affect the timeline as well as her. He didn't want that to happen so he smiled and patted her on the back.

"Congrats!" He beamed at her. "But I have one question. You wanna pregame with me?"

"Pregame?" She questioned. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to his dorm, making sure the housemaster wouldn't see them.

"Everyone knows that the punch is gonna get spiked. I'm just saying that if we start with a small drink that doesn't have too much alcohol, we'll be ready." Jackson nodded as he went under his bed. He lifted the piece of plywood that covered it and brought out the drinks.

"Heineken?" Bianca read out loud the brand he had. She gave him a skeptical look.

"It's the only one I could manage to grab in this small town, everyone else already got the good stuff. You don't have to try it if you don't want to." Jackson explained, clasping his bottle opener. He took the bottle in her hand and opened it.

He offered it to Bianca who took a sip. Her nose scrunched in disgust before she managed to swallow it. She handed the bottle back to Jackson, who sipped on it, making the same face she did.

"See! You don't like it either!" She pointed out, pointing at his face.

"As I said, the only thing I could find. Even the wine coolers were gone. I'm just trying to pregame, I heard someone has tequila. I'm just making sure a few of us are pre game ready." Jackson shrugged. She took the bottle and took a big swig before handing it back.

"Pregame ready." She nodded.

"Pregame ready." He lifted the drink to her, taking another big gulp. They both laughed before they heard a loud knock at the door.

"Outside!" Jackson whispered as he rushed to the window. "In a moment, I'm changing!"
He slid it open and let Bianca get out before handing her the bottle. The knock was heard again when he shoved the curtains over the window and went to the door.

"Hello?" Jackson spoke to a dressed Xavier, "Ready already?"

"Uh, yeah, I just wanted to ask you about something... Private." Xavier told him.

"Yeah, just, uh... Give me just one moment." Jackson raised his eyebrows. Xavier nodded. Jackson closed the door and opened the curtains again, Bianca was gone. He was confused until he saw her text saying she was going to get ready.

"Come in." Jackson opened the door again. He walked in and closed the door.

"Do you have some sort of candle that, uh, helps with dreams?" He asked, his knee slightly bouncing. Jackson looked at the candles he had on his desk.

"Here. Lavender chamomile. It should help bring good dreams." Jackson handed it to him.

"Thanks... Can we keep this on the low?" Xavier looked up at him.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Jackson nodded.

He left the room and Jackson realized he was going to be later than he thought he would be if he didn't change. He quickly changed into his white top and bottoms before adding a blue corset, so he didn't look like all of the other boys. When he walked down the steps to get to the room, he noticed Wednesday and Tyler with another boy, who wasn't dressed for the dance. They walked to the dance as he looked out.

"Hey." Jackson nodded to him. He turned around and gapped at him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to stake out a cave. Wednesday was supposed to do it with me but she is going to the dance instead." The boy huffed.

"What's your name?" Jackson offered him a smile.

"Eugene." He answered back.

"Well, Eugene. May I go with you to go stake out a cave? Since, well, the Rave'N looks to be a bit boring, and this seems like more fun. And besides, we can get to know each other a little better." Jackson offered to the boy. He beamed and nodded.

"Here, you can be a part of the hive now!" Eugene handed him a flashlight. Jackson had to smile about how excited he was. He turned one last time and saw Bianca and Xavier having the same conversation he did in his vision. She looked upset.

"Could I give my friend a call? Just really quick, I don't want to waste your time." He grabbed his phone. Eugene nodded. The call went straight to voice mail, it wasn't a shocker considering Bianca's phone had been in her purse zipped up.

"Hey, Bianca. I just want to say... Let him go. If he's just going to use you since he can't get with Wednesday, he doesn't deserve you. And I know what you'll say, you'd say something like I deserved it or whatnot. But if people can't completely trust each other, it's no use to try and resolve it. Trust me on this when I say some guys would jump at the chance to be with you... Because let's face it, not only are you beautiful you are one of the smartest ambitious people I know. So yeah, Good night." He hung up the phone. He walked outside to see Eugene waiting for him. "Let's go."

They watched the cave from behind a tree, Eugene pulled a recording tape from his pocket, "Eugene Ottinger. With special guest..."

"Jackson Lee, surprise!" He added in the end.

"2100 hours. No movement at the cave. No sign of the target. Although... I just heard a rare club-horned grasshopper." He smiled.

Jackson had caught it and put it in a jar for him when they saw car lights. He quickly pulled the two behind the tree. Eugene pulled out his recording device.

"Eugene Ottinger. 2242 hours. Potential suspect has arrived at location... Oh my God." Eugene gapped before the suspect shined the light on him. Jackson hid against the tree before the flashlight was off of him. Jackson got away from the tree just to see the cave explode.

"Holy shit... Uh-uh. Eugene, let's go. Now." Jackson urged him, grabbing him by the boy's backpack. They ran for a little while before Eugene slowed down. Jackson saw him lying against a tree before taking a few deep breaths.

"You good?" He asked the younger boy. He nodded, still staying cautious. Suddenly they heard something snarl. Jackson stayed put against the tree but Eugene started to run.

"Shit, Eugene!" Jackson yelled out for him, sprinting to try and catch up to him. When Jackson managed to catch up with the boy, he was on the ground. The monster, whatever it was scratched the boy, and his blood started to leak out.

Jackson was frozen. It was real. The thing Wednesday was talking about. The monster turned and saw the boy. Instead of doing what it did to Eugene, it slammed Jackson into the ground, knocking him out cold.

AN: I urge you, please don't be a silent reader, I know I also struggle with coming up with comments but its always fun to have them as a writer. Anyways hope you enjoyed and this is what Jackson wore.

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