Chapter 4: New Found Hope

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8 months had passed since the beating Izuku had received, things went back to normal, as in his parents still ignoring him and his sister and his old friends continued bullying him, during these months he had started showing less signs of emotions

His attitude towards people has started to change as well, he hated being around a lot of people now and was more to himself than other kids, he didn't even speak to his cousins when they were here which confused them

Kail: Hey Inko! Can I speak to you really quick?

Inko*smiles: Oh sure I'll be right back kids! Don't think of doing anything you'll regret [Walks over]

Kail: I just wanted to ask....Is everything going okay with Izuku? *concerned* You ever since he was diagnosed qurikless

Inko*smiles: Everything is going absolutely fine! Heh but thanks for your concern Kail, I understand it's hard for people like him, but I assure you that everything's fine

If your wondering why he's playing by himself it's because he like alone time for some reason, I looked it up and it says that people without a quirk do it very often

Kail*smiles: Oh *sighs* That's good to know, I was just worried that others would treat him differently ya know Japan is the most violent towards the qurikless unlike America

Inko: Like I said, he's doing just fine, Oh! Do you mind keeping an eye on them really quick? I left something in the car I'll be right back!

Kail*smiles: Sure but hurry back before your children think you left them

With that Inko left to her Car and Kail looked over to the children who were playing tag and laughing, but Kail noticed Izuku wasn't there, She turned her head to see Izuku in the sandbox sitting

He wasn't really doing anything, he had no bukkit or mini shovel, she looked and seen her husband and Toshinori talking and took the time to walk over to Izuku who was just writing in the sand

Kail*smiles: Hey Izuku~ How's my nephew doing?

Izuku*annoyed: What do you care? [Continues playing]

Kail*suprised: Oh well I care because I was just curious, I haven't seen you in a while and Blake hasn't either! Why are you over jere by yourself? [Crouches down] Aren't you lonely?

Keeping quite Izuku continued to ignore his aunty, his expression was starting to change of more annoyance, Kail seen this and sighed

Kail*concerned: Are you hurt Izuku? Or are you still mad that you can't be like All Might?


Kail:.....If that's how it's going to be then I'll just give my secrets recipe of Katsudan to your sister [smiles softly]


Seeing this Kail was now more concerned, Izuku had never once turned down her cooking, especially his most favorite dish, Kail sighed and walked away, while she did Izuku took a quick glance at her and turned back to the sandbox






-----Time skip years later----

After a few years had passed, Izuku was now 10 years old, he had gotten a little bit more taller, and his attitude had not changed, his hair was the same length but he cut it himself, everyone had continued to pick on him

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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