6.It's a small world afterall

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Nicholai POV

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I can't do this. I can't take advantage of her.

I gave in and told her the story. "So when I walked out my room and saw you stripping. Things happened and so here we are."

We were stuck in traffic and been telling her stuffs about last night. I can't help but laugh on her reactions. Especially when I told her she threw up on our clothes so I had to get rid of my Armani jacket and her jacket.

"What happened when you saw me stripping?" She was blushing and bitting her lower lips. She really has no idea how I get turned on with her actions.

"This and that. I don't really want to go on details. Use your imagination, angel."

This was so much fun. I mean I don't really have any idea why I'm still dragging her with me but I haven't really laughed in such a long time.

"Thank you by the way.. for everything you did for me." I was taken a back from her statement.

What the fuck is wrong with this woman.

She's thanking me when half of woman I met would have met would have been scolding at me and demanding for the truth. Or maybe seducing me to tell. Whatever.

We were both silent for the rest of the drive. I parked infront of a bar that Jake, Cole and I owns. JNC that's what we called it.

"Seriously, angel there's nothing to thank me with. Instead let's just drop this. I need to go. I got business to discus with my partners." I looked at her and she was looking at me that I grown too heads.

"How'd you know I work here?"

"You work here? I own this place. I mean me and my friends owns this place."

"Seriously, are you for real. Your my boss?"

"Wow.. technically yes. I think so."

Think about the change of events. I can't believe I never noticed her before. I've been here what.

What? 5 times a year.

Yap never seeing her before is so not impossible. A knock on my window irritated me. I rolled my window down. And saw a very frustrated Jake.

"Hey, hurry up. Asshole we don't have all day!" Jake was definitely not in a good mood.

"Shut up, dickhead." I retorted. "Half the day hasn't passed yet and your acting like a moron." I came out my car and looked at Jake. "You look like shit."

"Thank you. I've been up the whole night. She told me she'll never want to see me again if I can't help her."

What the hell is the matter with you man.

"Oh so a lady made you look like shit. Care to elaborate on that!"

This is so much fun. Now I get to make fun of Jake. What more can I ask for.

I almost forgot about the angel in my car. Then she came out of my car and all of a sudden Jake pulled her to a bear hug.

"Oh shit. I'm so damn happy to see you. What the fuck were you thinking?"

Cassie POV

What the hell is up with Jake. I tried to pull away from him but he was too strong.

"Mr. Anderson. Please I can't breath."

Thank goodness. He loosen his arms around me.

"Sweetheart, she's alright. She here outside." Talking to his phone. Still not letting me go.

Sweetheart? Jake has a girlfriend?

"Oh my gosh. Your okay! Your here." Gabby hugged me tightly and she started crying. "I was so worried about you. What were you thinking?"

Gabby kept on ranting about me not being considerate and all the stuff about me not being me at all. I can't really concentrate my head hurts.

"Gabby, please. My head hurts, I just want to go home.."

"Wow after all I've been through looking for you that's what I get." She looked at me like I was some sort of a freak. She started yelling and shouting at me. "I am your best friend Cassandra. I deserve an explanation why you were MIA all night."

"I'm sorry. I'll tell you everything later, best I just need to really rest." I embraced my bestie and remembered the two guys studying us.

"Please, Gabby. I need some medicine my head is about to explode." She looked me sympathetically and gave in.

"Alright. But you got to give me details once you feel better."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I'm good. I can walk to our apartment from here. You just go to your meeting." I can feel both Gabby and Jake staring at us intently.

Shit, Gabby would kill me if I don't give her answers soon..

"Sure?" I just nod at him. He was so sweet and he cared. I look in his eyes, I almost lost control and kissed him.

"Yes. I have Gabby now. She'll take care of me." I was starting to panic and bit my lower lips.

"If you say so, angel." Then he suddenly pulled me and captured my lips. I was too surprise to kiss him back so I just stood there. Like an idiot. "I'm Nicholai Alexander Frankford by the way."

He then started to walk away to head to the bar. Before he made it to the door. I called back his attention.

"Hey! I'm Cassie."

"Whatever you say, angel. Good bye." He winked at me and head inside the bar.

Me and Gabby then head to our apartment. Thankfully she didn't ask any questions... yet. She let me drink some aspirins and I slept after.

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