𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁: 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

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june 9th for the loml this man seriously has such a strong mf hold on my heart i think about him all the time <3 

enjoy a rare update from me! i am still editing the previous chapters btw so sorry it's taking me so long :,)

warnings: sneaky kissing but that's all 

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You rolled your eyes at the childish banter between your younger brother and his proclaimed rival. It was silly drama that had carried out of the academy, through the chunin exams, and now when they are working towards achieving jonin status. While your brother had been very powerful, with the nine tails sealed inside him and all, he didn't inherit the kid genius status you had from your parents. 

Naruto sneered at Sasuke, shrugging the green vest over his shoulders and puffing his chest out. "See? It looks better on me than it would on you." 

Sasuke rolled his eyes and began tugging at the vest Naruto had put on, one a bit too large for him. Spending the day at the Uchiha estate was always eventful, if anything. As much as Naruto wanted to deny it, Sasuke was his best friend and he would rather go a day without ramen than a day without him. 

Itachi entered from the kitchen, a tray with a teapot and some teacups in his hands. In their rough-housing, Sasuke and Naruto nearly bumped into him and knocked the tray out of his hands. Luckily for the both of them, Itachi stepped to the side, sending them a chilling glare with a blank smile on his face as he continued to the sofa. He set the tray down on the table, sitting down beside you. 

"No honey, slow brewed." A grin tugged at your lips as Itachi poured you a cup, handing the steaming teacup to you. 

"Just how I like it, huh?" He hummed, pouring his own cup and taking a slow sip. His eyes trailed over to the two younger siblings still arguing over his old jonin vest, one he had refitted when he entered adulthood after retiring from ANBU. 

"You must like me a lot to remember how I like my tea." Itachi sent you an unamused glanced from the corner of his eye, taking another drink with a small smile on his face when you laughed at his expression. He loved the sound of your laugh more than a lot of things, almost anything. After the sound of you calling his name when you're cooking dinner to approve the taste, after the feeling of your fingers gently brushing through his hair when he agreed to let you braid it for the first time, and after his precious little brother of course. 

"I must if I have tolerated you for this long," he teased, setting down his cup and gazing at you with an amused twinkle in his eye. 

You rolled your eyes, shifting closer to him on the couch and resting your head on his shoulder with a sigh. Butterflies erupted in your stomach when he gently tugged the cup out of your hands to place on the table, murmuring quietly to you, "Be careful, you'll spill it." 

"Ew, what is going on here? You weirdos." Naruto scrunched his nose in disgust as he turned his attention to the two of you, arms crossed as Sasuke fastened the clasps of the vest over his sternum. He looked up from his chest, quirking his top lip and scoffing at the sight of his brother curled up with you. 

"Why don't the two of you go to the market and pick out some tomatoes and veggies for dinner?" Sasuke perked up at the mention of his most favorite thing to eat. "There some meat in the icebox, so we can make stew for dinner." 

The younger Uchiha was quick to strip the vest off and tug Naruto up by his arm, leaving with a quick goodbye and shutting the front door loudly behind them. 

Both of you stared at the door for a moment, half expecting them to march back in and try to catch them in some kind of scandalous position. Once the both of you were sure they had really left, you sighed, sinking deeper into Itachi's side and wrapping an arm around his middle to hug him close. 

"Do you think they can tell?" 

A gentle hand came up to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes, a low hum rumbling in his chest as he leaned his head against yours. "That we're hopelessly in love with each other?" 

"That we always have been maybe?" He laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 

It was true at least, that the two of you had always had feelings for each other. Only the two of you were blind to it really, as everyone else seemed to be waiting for the day the two of you would finally become a couple. They were still waiting, because the two of you hadn't told anyone else yet, letting it run its course for a little while first. 

Your stomach twisted when Itachi placed a hand along your jaw, tilting your face towards his own as your eyes fluttered open, meeting his warm dark gaze. "I have always wanted to kiss you." 

Before you could tease him, saying that this wouldn't be the first time you'd kissed, that he should've been brave enough to mention his feelings earlier, he leaned down, pressing his lips to your softly. For a moment, you swore your brain short-circuited, responding to his movements as he deepened the kiss. 

He shifted for a moment, cradling the back of your head in his hand and leaning above you to lower you to the cushions of the couch as he continued to kiss you slowly. 

Just as his hand began to slip under the edge of your shirt, the sound of Naruto's booming voice approached the door, followed by quiet snarky responses from Sasuke. Itachi sighed into the kiss as the two of you sat up, pressing quick kisses to each other's lips until you finally parted as the front door opened. 

Neither of your brothers paid any mind as they entered, heading towards the kitchen as the continued to argue over whatever they had been talking about. 

You sighed, brushing your hair over your shoulder and shooting a quick glance towards Itachi, feeling your face burn as your heart raced. Had the two of you been caught, by your younger brothers no less, you would never hear the end of it. Surely they would tell the entire village by the end of the night. 

As you were about to stand up to begin preparing dinner, Itachi's hand shot out to touch your face once more, placing one more longing kiss to your lips. 

When he pulled away, he swiped his thumb over the corner of your lips, looking at you lovingly. "Hurry back to me." 

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