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─── ‎ ‎ ‎★ ‎ ───

HER LIPS SHINED with the layers of lip gloss Mila had applied to her own lips. She had never done her makeup as well before as she had done it today. The slightly darker brown eyeshadow with the smallest amount of glitter in the corner made her eyes seem almost angelic, cheeks applied with just the perfect amount of blush and her lashes naturally full. She twisted on the cap of the lip gloss setting it back into her own designated bag, taking a step back from the washroom mirror she admired her outfit.

Her floral skirt long enough to length just below her knees, straight and it's figure simple, she looked below to view her squarish boots that cut off in the middle of her calf with the perfect platform. They were a gift from Ida as they had no longer fit her friend anymore, and Iddy had noted how much Mila loved to comment on them. looking back up to see her top, the top that so clearly stated she, and she alone had put together the outfit.

"I still don't know why you're wearing that top to a party," Serenity remarked out on her bed, placing in her own set of abstract orange earrings. The maroon turtle neck so gracefully hugged her figure enough to show yet not to squeeze. "Oh shut up Serenity, I got invited to this party first," Mila teased. "Hey I ended up getting invited too by someone!" Serenity rolled her eyes playfully before jumping off her bed, making her way into the bathroom next to Mila. She fixed a part of Mila's hair which was straightened just enough so that the ends of her hair would bend out, and her curtain bangs swooped backwards towards her scalp.

She went in and hugged Mila at her side happily, "This is a huge step for you M'! Invited to a party, look at you!" Mila scoffed at the subtle stab, "Hey I've been to loads of parties with you!" she stated.

"Yes, but that's because we invite you. This time you've been practically invited by the person which such party is about! Not even I have had that done!" her friend said, congratulating the girl as she chuckled along with her friend enthusiastically. Ruby had been stuck in detention for absent homework assignments, and Ida had wanted a night to herself. The party had started an hour ago, made obvious by the loud vinyl booming from floors beneath them in their common room.

Serenity finished powdering her face before placing her hands on Mila's shoulders, "Alright well, let's skitty you stone fox," she said, guiding Mila out into the room. Mila quickly grabbed a book off her night stand along with Remus' present as her friend grabbed her purse, draping it across her shoulders. About to leave the room the blonde uttered "You know the drill," taking hold of Mila hands, leading her through the maze of halls that was girls rushing in and out of the hallways due to the rush a party. As well of getting through the walls of people also squashing their way through the crowds.

The Gryffindor common room was quite larger than what most people expected could fit in a tower, but oh what magic could do for everything other than death. The music only grew louder, as it echoed and banged through the walls and off the students, squished in corners chatting their ears off to be heard over the music and each other, it was surprising how they were never caught by prefects or professors. Mila assumed students put muffling spells on the room to quiet it down. The common room only grew a club like atmosphere. Due to it's usual cozy atmosphere, few light sources came into the room, and with people's bodies blocking some only a few lights shined in few areas, casting large shadows, always flickering.

MY MOON ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎Remus Lupin [1]Where stories live. Discover now