Alex really?

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I was lounging on his bed while he went and got ready before I just left him for the night I wanted to make sure that he could function. He walked out of the bathroom with his phone and walked up to me kind of angry.
"Sean what's up?"
"Alex really?"
"Ok first off babe I am not Alex!"
"Oh don't be a smartass!" He said stiffly which made me realize he was seriously angry about something cause he never says things like that to me.
"Ok what's wrong?"
"What's wrong?....what's wrong is that you're cheating on me!
"What? No i am not!"
"Yes you are!"
"I think I would know if I was cheating on you!"
"I knew this movie was not a good idea. The first taste of someone else when I'm not here convinced you to cheat!"
"No I didn't because I know how it feels to be cheated on more than once and it freaking sucks and I would never put anyone through that."
"I'm over here thinking that you love me and that you were a great girlfriend but yet you go out and kiss on other dudes!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Oh don't act stupid!"
"It's not an act!"
"You just seriously are unbelievable Ariana!"
"Maybe if you tell me what's up I can shed a little light on your confusion!"
"See these pictures from TMZ of you and Alex kissing outside of a bar!"
"Those are not what they seem like!"
"No they are exactly what they seem like!"
"No they aren't!"
"Just tell me was all of this some elaborate plan of revenge. I worked so hard to get your forgiveness!"
"Why would I do that?"
"Because you're young and crazy!"
"Seriously you're pulling the age card right now?"
"You are a grown ass man who saw something in me may I remind you being young has nothing to do with being crazy first off, ever heard someone on a police show say 'the suspect is a 20 year old male so he must be crazy!' No you don't because that's a messed up thing to say!"
"Why did you go out with him and do this and cheat on me."
"I didn't those angles just make it look that way. I was drunk out of my mind and could barely stand so he had to hold me up against the wall so that I didn't fall and break my fragile little Italian skull!"
"It wouldn't have broken cause it's so thick that you can't get processing to your brain."
"What is wrong with you? We never kissed or anything like that just the camera angles and if you don't believe me believe this I sware nothing happened on my grandpas grave." I yell in his face and walk out of his room slamming the door on the way out. I start to cry when I get to my room. I quickly wipe the tears before they have the chance to wet up my entire cheek. I was finally able to get into my room. When I got in I laid on my bed. What the hell is wrong with him. Why would I do any of that. The first issue is that because we are both huge celebrities my personal life is jot personal and is aired for everyone's ears on TMZ so that would be a stupid thing to do. Who do I look like Kristen Stewart. I'm not gonna do that. I know what it's like to be cheated on and I would never do that to someone. it hurts it does, it hurts like heck. it feels like crap it makes you feel like crap. Like the persons blatant disregard for your feelings show heir lack of love for that person and makes you question if they ever really cared about you something that no one should ever feel. it makes you feel like you wasted your life on that person being there for them. The worst part of all of this is that Sean didn't trust me enough to ask for my side of the story. I'm starting to wonder if giving this relationship a second chance was a good idea.

Sean's pov
"Yeah man the pictures look like she's making out with him and I know she did because they seem to be super close." I said to Zeno
"Are you positive man?"
"Yeah I am!"
"Did you ask her if they were what they looked like?"
"What'd she say?"
"She said that they weren't what they looked like and that her and Alex never kissed."
"Ok so then they didn't kiss!"
"Man she lying to cover it up!"
"Are you sure about that?"
"What you don't think I'm right?"
"Nah man I just mean like she's your girl and she said she didn't do it. Don't you think she deserves the benefit of the doubt!"
"But I just I am so tired of her making me feel this way that I'm starting to question us!"
"Get your head out of your ass man!"
"Cause your talking shit. Ariana loves you, you love her, she didn't do it if she said she didn't do it. You my friend have cheated on her and so she has a right to doubt you but she never cheated on you man so your trust in her should be strong. You are in love with that girl and you are being an ass. You didn't believe her and you are the one driving her away why don't you try and make sense of all of this and she does have some credibility because none of these pictures have their lips shown together or anything like substantial just circumstantial stuff. so don't lose her man."
"Woah Zeno you are completely right I mean what the hell have I don't I just yelled at her but I don't know the story I mean I have totally screwed up. I mean but still she did go out with him alone. She did get super close with him and she did leave in his car!"
"Sean I told you what I wanted to tell you so now the rest is up to you!"
He hangs up on me I'm assuming very pissed off. Even I'm pissed off at my self.

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