New Orleans

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Klaus - (sighs) Ever since you've came back it has been a mess...

Y/N - Your right... I should have never came back here...

Klaus - (grabs your wrist) That isn't what I'm saying love... Can everyone leave so we can talk alone? (everyone leaves)

Y/N - (teary) Then what did you mean Klaus!??

Klaus - (cups your face) We need a break from everything so you and I can find US again...

Y/N - And how can we do that?

Klaus - Come back to New Orleans with us... Your brothers can come if you want but nobody else... Just our two families...

Y/N - (smiles) That sounds nice... But with a baby that will be hard Klaus... We have to put her first not us...

Klaus - (thinks) Why don't we have Haley take Hope to the bayou for a week so she can let people see Hope there.

Y/N - (smiles and nods) I want to do that... I need a break...

Klaus - I will go over to our house and start packing my love. We can leave by tonight and that give you enough time to tell your family.

Y/N - (hugs Klaus) Thank you...

Time skip to you telling everyone

Y/N - So... I have some news to tell you guys and I want you to be supportive...

Damon - You aren't pregnant again are you?

Elena - (slaps him) Damon!

Y/N - (chuckles) No... I am not...

Stefan - So what do you want to tell us?

Y/N - (takes a deep breath) You all k ow I have been struggling since I have gotten back. I need a break for my mental health because every day that goes by the urge to turn my humanity off gets stronger. I am going to New Orleans with the Mikaelsons...

Damon - What?

Y/N - Klaus and I need to find out way back to each other Damon... We love each other but we need to fall back in love...

Stefan - So you are leaving again?

Y/N - (tears up) You guys are invited to come with me... But I know you have a life here...

Damon and Stefan sit beside you and hug you.

Damon - We aren't mad Y/N...

Stefan - We are a little sad that you'll be leaving but we want you to be happy.

Damon - That is all we have ever wanted for our little sister... If going to New Orleans will make you happy than go.

Stefan - Its only about a days drive alright... We want you to get your life back on track...

Y/N - (hugs them both and starts crying) I don't deserve you guys...

Damon - (smiles) Yes you do... We are family that is what family is for...

Caroline - I'm sure going to miss you after I got to know you Y/N... (hugs you)

Elena - Me too... It was really nice to meet you and I can't wait for you to come back and visit.

Bonnie - I will miss you... I can't believe how strong you are Y/N you truly are amazing... (hugs you)

Y/N - I want to thank you girls for keeping my brothers out of trouble here... I want you to call me whenever you want and keep in touch...

The girls go to their houses leaving you and your brothers to yourselves.

Y/N - I don't have to leave until tonight... Let's do something fun!

You all decide to bake some goodies for the road trip to New Orleans.

Stefan - Come on guys let me do the measurements so these are somewhat edible.

Damon - Oh come one let us help Stefan!

Y/N - Uhm... Guys these aren't looking very good...
They both turn to look at you and you spray them with the sink hose.

Y/N - HA! Got you!

Stefan - (looks at Damon and Damon looks at her) Get her!

Y/N - What? NO HEY!

Damon - (throws flour at you) You started it!
Stefan gets an egg thrown at him and it turns into a full blown food fight between you three.

Klaus - (walks in gear giggling from the kitchen) What the hell happened in here?

Y/N - He did it (points at Stefan)

Stefan - Real mature Y/N...

Klaus - (laughs) Why don't you jump in the shower love and I will help clean this up. Then we can hit the road.
Y/N - (runs upstairs) Ha... I don't have to clean it!

The boys all chuckle hearing you say that.

Damon - Klaus... Please take care of our little sister...

Stefan - She means a lot to us so call us anytime if she is in trouble.

Klaus - I will keep her safe, you don't have to worry about her. I will call you if I think anything is wrong with her.

Time skip to when you are leaving

Y/N - (hugs Damon) Please keep in contact with me and keep Stefan out of trouble.

Damon - (grins) I will keep him out of trouble don't worry. But you stay out of trouble we both worry about you.

Y/N - (finishes goodbye with Damon and goes to Stefan) Stefan you and I both know that your the one that needs to keep Damon out of trouble.

Stefan - (hugs you) I will just keep in contact alright. I can't believe that your leaving, I am so proud of you.

Y/N - (hugs them both on last time) I love you both so much. Stefan pursue the relationship with Caroline, I can see in your eyes that she makes you happy. And for you Damon, please stay out of trouble and continue to make Elena happy. I can see a good future for the both of you and those girls.

Stefan - (chuckles and helps you into the car) We love you to Y/N we will see you soon.

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