Dreams and screams (part two)

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Torei's p.o.v
Sneaking in my house through the basement door or i like to call it my "studio" i quietly walk up the stair opening the door that leads me out of the basement and into the kitchen i walk towards the fridge and grab one of my dads beers and an apple weird combotation i know and shut the fridge door and walk into the living room just to make a left into the hallway and down the hall to my room.I close the door set my bag down on the floor and crash onto my queen sized bed i will admit my dad dose get a pretty decent check but rarly every spends it on his family or bills like he should the last time i remeber him getting me something for my birthday was when i turnt 9 and that was 5 years agos.i put the beer on my nightstand and same with the apple and get off my bed and walk to my closet and grab an over sized chealse grin sweater a pair of basket ball shorts and a cute pair of black and pink slik panies i walk out of my room and go to the hallway closet and get on my toes to grab a fluffy white towel and wash rag i,walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower not caring if my druken father wakes up and strip all my clothes off just to walk into a warm shower hot water never really botherd me for some odd reason. my shower wasnt very long i got out got dressed and brushed my shoulder length black now sideshow bob curly hair into a messy side bun and walked out of the bathroom tossing my dirty clothes into the dirty clothes hamper i went back into my room closed and locked the door and plugged in my ipod into my speaker and set the volume low and put it on shuffle. Laying bed and staring at my rob zombie dragula poster tapped to the ceiling. Why the fuck am i trapt here? Why cant i just fly away like the birds? Why cant i be free from this place i dont think i can make it to eighteen. My eyes got heavier and heavier and before i knew it i fell asleep listening to iris by the goo goo dolls.

The week went by fast i got my drawing bacm from sam and the shadding was badass,when i am older me and sam are gonna own are very own tattoo shop somewhere and have sexy ass band members come into are shop xD and we will be known as some of the best female tattoo artist in a america and go to confentionts and meet people! Im so excitec i know this will all work out in the end

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