Glint in his eyes....

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Chapter notes

It's the 5th day of bible/Vegas fanweek....

This story is one of my favourites, it's a simple one not a complicated story but I like this one...

Hope you like it too...

Story starts

Pete is guarding the door as always as a bodyguard of main family when he just got information that minor family is visiting today.

That means there will so much unnecessary tension in the house ..

Pete gets frustrated every time the Minor family visited….

" They are one family, for god's sake why can't they get along…..?" He mumbled to himself....

Even before he finished his thoughts ,the cars got parked one by one….

From one, Gun Theerapanyakul entered the door and Pete bowed…. honestly he doesn't have even an ounce of respect for this man…but it's his job… …

Next came the future heirs…but the one he has eyes on is Vegas theerapanyakul….

Pete bowed again in respect in full 90 degree, as vegas walked through his hand touched Pete's cheek…

For anyone who see this, would think it was just a mistake ….

But Pete knows it's not and he knows Vegas uses every opportunity to touch him….

Because Vegas tried to get Pete into his bed…..


Everything for today's duty is over and Pete is extra exhausted today , only because of the minor family visit…

He doesn't understand the purpose of the meeting If no family agrees on a damn single thing….They always fight with each other…

Pete took a long hot bath and got ready quickly, he went into the cafeteria for a quick snack….

" Going out early?" Pol asked first

" To get laid?" Arm continued before he gives an answer…

Pete just smiled…." Ofcourse, I worked all the weekdays and today frustrated me too much…. I need some reward on the weekends…."....

Pete entered the place he visited  for the past ten months, it's not new to him….

He went through the quick security check, by not more than 2 guards who are in the backyard….

And he passed throught the next security check up tooo and entered into the bedroom, in which he's gonna spend the entire night…..

The room is calm doesn't indicate a human presence at the moment….

He stood infront of the mirror and looked  at the skin care products…he tried to put them in a line , even though they are already in a line … just to pass the time….

But he felt some weight attached in the back…

Pete lifted his head and smiled through the mirror at Vegas theerapanyakul…

" You came early ....missed me that much….?" Vegas didn't wait for the answer  he went for the kiss directly….and fucking hardly….

Yes like everyone Pete is not immune to Vegas charms and it all started 10 months ago…


The thing is when Pete joined the work as a Bodyguard for  main family, the primary instructions he received is stay away from Vegas theerapanyakul as much as possible

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