By The Fire

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(quick oneshot)

It was quite cold out, Cesar sat by the fire reading a book as you made some coffee. "Would you like any coffee?" You asked Cesar. "Ah, no thank you." He was always very polite, his mother raised him well. "Okay." You said, and walked over with your coffee and sat down with him. You laid your head on his shoulder and read half a page of his book before he turned pages. You didn't know what it was about, so you just stared at the fire. "I love you, Y/N." Cesar said, closing his book. "I love you too." You replied back, slightly blushing for you thought he would continue reading his book in silence. Cesar kissed you on the forehead as you slowly fell asleep. He fell asleep quick after.

You woke up, and Cesar was quietly snoring. You slowly got up, making sure not to wake Cesar. You got dressed, brushed your teeth, and headed out for coffee. After your coffee trip, (slay) you saw Cesar, in his normal tuxedo just doing dishes. "Thanks Cesar." You smiled at him. "No problem, Amor." You could see the smile on his face. You drank your coffee, and passed Cesar his. "Awh, thanks!" He sipped his coffee, and smiled once more.

short because no inspiration!!!!1!!11!!!!11!!!!!!!!

215 words

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