Diagon alley

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Voldy already came back but no one knows. He is just in hiding.


Harry was looking around to find Madam Malkin's to get out of these clothes that fit him like elephant skin. After a few minutes he found the store and went inside.

" Welcome, what bring you here." The owner said as she walked towards him.

" I would like some new clothes to get out of these..." Harry said referring to his clothes.

" Then you've come to the right place! look around and see if anything catches your eye, and if you need help, I'll be at the counter." She said as she walked away from him and towards the counter, so Harry proceeded to look around.


After he left that shop, Harry went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Harry entered and briefly looked around in wonder before he ordered a Butterbeer and opened the book.

' I could make this my own...' Harry thought as he grabbed the quill and dipped the quill in the bottle ink he had.

Harry wrote down hello as an entry but to his shock the ink disappeared, but the stranger thing is that letter appeared on the paper.

' Hello, I'm Tom Riddle, or rather know as lord Voldemort, who might you be?' Was written on the page.

Harry was in even more shock, he's talking to Voldemort, LITERALLY VOLDEMORT, but he didn't freak out because I'm in a public place for merlin's sake.

' I'm Harry Potter, nice to meet you'. Harry wrote back to him.

They kept on writing until Harry got my Butterbeer and continued writing. Well, that was until he heard faint commotion outside and then suddenly, he heard the door slam open.

Harry flinched a little and turned around to see what happened. There was a boy with red hair, hazel eyes and a V-shape scar on his right eye. Everyone stopped what they we're doing and rushed to the boy asking for many things like autographs, pictures, etc. The boy looked around and coincidently looked at Harry, but Harry only rolled his eyes and looked away not caring about the boy.

' Wait that scar, it the same one as... ALEX?!' Harry thought as his eyes widened. That means that Lily and James are nearby. Fucking shit! Just his terrible luck!

Harry wrote to Tom what was happening.

' I'm going to come get you, I'll have black hair and crimson eyes, and I will bring my husband who has black hair and black eyes.'

Harry was happy that he was able to get away from them faster. He saw two people apparated Infront of the store with the exact description that Tom said. They passed Alex and looked around until they spotted Harry.

" Hello Harry, this is my husband Severus Snape." Tom said while Severus gave a curt nod, a slight smile twitching on his lips.

They were about to leave, but they got stooped by a person he really never wanted to see.

" Snivellus?! what are you doing here?!" James yelled from behind them as he and Lily stared at the Severus with wide eyes.

Severus sighed as he turned around and glared at James.

" First of, don't call me ' Snivellus', Potter. And second, I'm here to pick up my son." Severus said meanwhile James and Lilys eyes widened more if possible. Harry's surprised they haven't fallen out of their sockets.

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