"Unexpected Arrival.."

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[ 3RD POV !! ]

Kuroo was just walking by to enter into his school, it was exactly around 6:25AM. Per expected, the early birds of his volleyball team would already be here as expected. His 1st period being free, the first thing he did was walk he way over to the court. It was pretty empty as expected since most people have work this period.. Though, Kenma was there. Typically, he was playing games on his Nintendo. Kuroo smiled, he then walked over to the locker room. Changing, all of that. Once he was finished, he walked out and sat next to kenma.

“Whatcha playin’?” Kuroo questioned, he leaned his head closer to see what he was playing.

“Nothing special, just Mario kart.” Kenma hummed back to kuroo in response of his question, he looked at him for a moment. He was weirdly normal for the things they were gonna do today.. Maybe he wasn’t informed. “Hey, did anybody tell you what we were gonna do today?”

Kuroo had perked up by the mention, the question made me slightly confused. Which was a clear answer, obviously he was not informed. “No, what’s up? What did I miss?” He asked, maintaining eye contact with the other who had looked at him.

“We have a practice match today.. With Nohebi.” Kenma said, quite quietly though incase if Kuroo would’v just immediately yelled if Kenma said it so normally. This is Nekoma’s and Nohebi’s 2nd practice match.. Which made it unusual for Kuroo and Kenma.

“WHAT?! AGAIN? I don’t wanna see that ugly snakes face again! That damn bastard doesn’t know anything better than to just damn cheat.. He’s fucking lunatic.” Kuroo immediately responded with hatred, nothing new for kenma.. This happens almost all the time whenever his name is mentioned, let alone his team name. Kenma didn’t seem as surprised was Kuroo was rambling over and over about Daishou’s idiotic and stubborn behavior. That had only made Kenma question him and the other male even more, Kenma was maybe close to being psychically involved into finding out the reason why.

“Our coach must be insane, I’m not putting up with that snakes bullshit AGAIN. Let alone see him.. AGAIN? You’ve got me messed up.” Kuroo finally finished his dumb rambling with an final complain, he sat up. Kenma looked up at him with confusion for a moment before Kuroo walked away to inside the Club room. Kenma shrugged to himself mentally, he wasn’t gonna question the angry Rooster.

[ TIMESKIP: Practice Match. ]

Nohebi had finally arrived, Nekoma had been waiting for a bit now.. The coaches greeting eachother before Nohebi was allowed in onto the court and locker room to change if not already. First time notice, Kuroo’s gaze immediately landed on Daishou who was already glaring at him. ‘Damn that snake bastard.. Already wanting a fight, ha?’ Kuroo thought, the two had approached eachother. Daishou’s cold glare stuck up on Kuroo. Kuroo looked the other up and down, then back up when they both maintained eye contact.

“Catching a fever already? I guess I can be intimidating, but calm yourself.” Daishou had slyly pointed out, Kuroo who slanted a tint of red on his face. Kuroo perked up at the mention, his hand rose up to touch his cheek. It was warm. ‘Dammit..’ Kuroo let out a ‘tsk’ to the other before he crossed his arms. “Don’t let the kitty catch yer tail, ah? Well, I won’t hesitate to skin you.” Kuroo said, obviously intentionally provoking the other for a comeback and calling him an ‘snake’ without exactly saying it correctly. Daishou had a sly look before he hair brushed alone the side of the other when he walked by to the locker room. Kuroo then let out a deep sigh, completely turning red in the moment. Though he had always talk shit about Daishou and all, he kept the act.. But, just deep inside, he knew he secretly fell inlove with Daishou unintentionally. Which he covers up with his messed up feelings for the other that it known by all the others. Little did they know, both teams would slowly be fed with their constant arguing very quickly..

"𝘾𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙘𝙩" [] Kuroshou !!Where stories live. Discover now