"Surprising turn.."

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Quietness filled the room for that moment, out of all things that could've been the reason.. That was.. his?.. Well, that made it a little awkward but also relieved for him knowing the feeling was mutual, even if Daishou did have mixed feelings. Like the self-appointed brat he is, but he can find himself somewhere knowing the things he can do.

“For how long?”


“How long have you liked me?”

Daishou repeated the question to the other male, Kuroo was slightly shocked he WASN'T shocked. He would've thought daishou were freak out or tell him he's weird, this is just.. odd, I guess?

“I believe 2 months.. It started after rivalry.” Kuroo answered, brushing himself towards the other male with a tough face but it hadn't appeared as mad or shocked. Just very tensed.

“Jeez, that's a lot.. Good thing I feel the same so I wouldn't have to worry about anything.” Daishou said as if normally, which earned him a narrowed brow and surprised look on Kuroo’s face. Daishou returned the look, he didn't think Kuroo would actually be that surprised he'd feel the same way.

“Why is it so surprising?..” Daishou asked, backing up a bit concerned himself as he looked at Kuroo weirdly who still looked absolutely stunned from what he was told.

“Well-! You never show any feelings, provoke me into arguing with you, start up our arguments mainly, then try to basically make me feel bad?” Kuroo had pointed out willingly since he asked, which was he chance of telling Daishou how non-obvious he was. Daishou had rolled his eyes in return.

“Well.. Now that that is settled,” Daishou stepped closer to Kuroo as he smirked, “Now I can do this.” He said he grabbed Kuroo’s jacket collar roughly and pushed him into a kiss. It was sloppy, but Kuroo kissed back for that moment before pushing Daishou away.

“Okay, stop before I very excited..” Kuroo said as he covered his face in his hands and turned away in embarrassment, because, well, that was basically his first kiss.. He has never been in a relationship before or even kissed anybody, even if it was an accident. Esepically because he hadn't expected his first kiss to be his.. Enemy? Are they even enemies anymore? Frenemies?.. He wasn't sure.

“Hm, then let it be.” Daishou responded as he snickered and pulled Kuroo back, grabbing his wrist and moving his hands from his face and smiling since he could see how red his face was. “Excited or not, I want the kiss from a man I know is soon to be mine.” Daishou said boldly, kissing Kuroo again as he smirked into the kiss. Kuroo was still a blushing red and couldn't refuse this, wrapping his arms around Daishou’s waist before the kiss had got a bit heated and he pushed Daishou up against an wall.

“Mm, watch it there big guy..” Daishou broke the kiss, placing his hands on Kuroo’s arms that wrapped along his waist. He looked back at Kuroo who seemed as if he had hearts in his eyes. Kuroo rested his head on Daishou’s shoulder as he was slightly confused.

“What the he- AGH!” Daishou yelped a bit when Kuroo had bit onto his neck, then Kuroo was kissing and licking on his neck as Daishou covered his mouth from letting out noises. You could hear deep muffled groans, but still held them back as Kuroo planted a few hickeys on the others neck before pulling back and looking at Daishou with a sly look.

“I told you I'd get excited, hah?” Kuroo winked sarcastically to the other and smirked, moving his hands up and cupping Daishou’s face before he planted a kiss upon his cheek. Daishou still  a basically red and surprised mess from what had just happened so quickly.. But what the two hadn't noticed is that the door opened been and two people standing at the doorway with deadly shocked faces.

“He, you-..”

“HAAAAAH?!?!” Kenma bursts out laughing as he stared at Kuroo who noticed and looked kinda upset and embarrassed, clenching onto his Nintendo so he hadn't dropped it and walked away while laughing.

The two people left there deadly shocked, the two ‘party’ planners. Hiroo and Lev, looking at Kuroo and Daishou then eachother back and forth in shock.

“Hiroo, I'm so gonna stab you with a fuckin knife when we get back.” Daishou said bluntly as he got himself up and off the wall in aswell embarrassment.

“Pft, mm.. PFT- Wait, you got..”

“BOTTOMED?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Lev finished his sentence, the two laughing their asses off as a clearly pissed off Daishou glared at Hiroo.

“GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” Daishou yelled as he chased after Hiroo, the yell had faded as the two were running away. Lev finished laughing and had wiped his laughter tears and picked up his head to look at Kuroo who was still staring awe in the distance. Lev looking back at Daishou and Hiroo, then back at kuroo as he sighed.

“Shit, it's a good thing we did this then.. isn't it?” Lev spoke, crossing his arms as he stood infront of the other male and looked at him.

“Yeah, I guess so..” Kuroo said, looking at his hand. Looking back up and at Daishou chasing Hiroo off, he smiled. I guess this day was really.. Not that bad as he expected. A worthy smiled stuck on his face as he was looking at his hand again. Lev watched the other as he decided to leave him alone and walked away.

“Heh, shit, I'm so fucking gay for that man.” Kuroo said to himself, walking out of the closet and locking the door behind him with the keys. He then got his stuff ready and changed back into his school clothes.



HII SO I SHOULD B DONE W THIS BOOK NOW, I could make extra or Lil chapters of request if you guys want.<3

IM ALSO SO SORRY ITS SHORT, IM NOT THE EBST TYPER N STORY WRITER HASHSHSQ.. But, I am interested in maybe making another book! So, I am taking requests. (Mostly AU ideas, but others work aswell.:) )


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