Chapter 2: A Lady's Confession

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"...A....A Lady...Your Highness...?"

The tall butler's voice was full of confusion and a little bit of shock, staring down at Alois with wide and surprised eyes. At this point, Claude was absolutely sure that his little master was sick. Poor thing was going delirious, there was no doubt about it.

"Are you... sure you're feeling alright, master? Should I bring you some more tea to keep you warm?"

Alois stared at him, anger flaring up in his bright blue eyes.

"Claude, I am completely sure! This is what I want, not your damn tea!"

Claude's face remained stale and emotionless as usual, but he did realize now that his master was properly angered. He stepped back from the blonde boy and nodded, telling him that he understood. Though, since he was supposed to be taking care of his master to the best of his ability... He had to warn him about the danger of this. It was wrong, so very wrong for a boy his age or... of any age to say something like this. There no way this would be easy, there was no way that it wouldn't come with a load of trouble and problems.

"Your Highness... are you aware of how inappropriate this is?"

Alois huffed. He knew how wrong it was, he knew what the consequences were, he did... but... To be honest, he'd thought about it before. It wasn't just the dream that swayed him... He's been thinking about it ever since he was little, even still with Luca, when they used to put bluebells in their hair and pretend to be girls. He loved the way dresses looked, bows, bright colors...and that night at the ball, he wouldn't lie... It was one of the best feelings in the world to have everyone looking at him admiringly and talking to him politely, just like anyone would a proper lady. It made him feel... Good. Appreciated, for once. Something he never really got being the boy he was.

Unlike Ciel, who was very respected in his position and had a certain reputation, Alois was mostly only though as a joke of a noble. He had no reputation, except for that he was extra plentiful in money. That was the only reason that people came to him, in fact. Because he was rich. There was no sugar-coating it. He was full of money. But no one would have the indecency to ask a woman for money so rudely, would they? He did feel rather out of place the way he was...The list of reasons went on and on and on, there were endless numbers of explanations to his wish.

"I know... How bad it is. I know it's not normal for a boy to feel like this. I know it's wrong. I know, I know, I know. I get it, alright? I can't help it. It's been like this for years... And if anyone ought to know, I figured it might as well be you."

Alois look down with a slight look of shame on his face. He was afraid of what Claude's reaction might be.

His butler continued to stare at him with wide eyes. He really was shocked. Then again, the boy always had acted quite strange...his clothes always seemed to be just a bit on the girly side, he walked with a feminine sway, and not to mention he was quite interested in... Other boys, as far as Claude knew. The spider butler always thought it was just a phase that he would get through quickly, but... It never quite passed as much as he waited for it to. He thought for sure he would be over by now, and he was going to give a little more time, but now with the boy and finally said something about it... Claude was quite sure it wasn't just a phase. Especially not if he been feeling like this for years and years as he did. He cleared his throat and straightened his back, taking a step closer to his master and kneeling down to look him in the eye.

"...If that is your wish, master..."

Claude grabbed the blonde's hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a quick and gentle kiss. Claude was one to butter up his master before-hand so he would be able to bend him to his will later.

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