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Za'Niyah's POV
Same Night 11pm

The ride to Landon's house was silent there was no music, just me sniffling in the backseat I couldn't even message or call Kaior and Lani to tell them what happened

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The ride to Landon's house was silent there was no music, just me sniffling in the backseat I couldn't even message or call Kaior and Lani to tell them what happened.

Landon took my phone blocked Jordan and changed the password. My neck had bruises from how tightly he choked me, my wig started coming off and I had cuts/scratches on my arm and legs.

He asked me if I wanted food and I didn't respond, Landon drove to McDonald's and got me chicken nuggets with a mango smoothie he knew that was my favourite.

As we pulled into his driveway Landon got out of his car and waited for me to get out. I didn't move an inch, he brought the food inside and came back out a few minutes after he opened the door and told me to get out of his car.

Without hesitation I got up and went into his house, I sat on the couch in silence while he went into the room. Shortly after he came back out with a towel, rags, shirt, underwear, and bandages.

He tossed it to me saying "Here clean yourself up ."

I took everything and went into the bathroom, as I shut the door behind me I started crying I couldn't believe how Landon would embarrass me the way he did. I felt so numb and broken inside.

As I stepped into the shower and let the water hit my body all I thought back to was the way he dragged and choked me in-front of everyone.

I got out of the shower and examined my entire body, I looked at my legs, back, arms, hands, and face. I couldn't believe I let this happen, I let myself be a victim of abuse.

I got dressed and put on the bandages over my cuts. I walked into the living room and sat on the far side of the couch, Landon then called me into his room, I didn't want to go so I acted like I couldn't hear him.

Landon walked into the living room asking me one more time to come into his room. I walked into his room and stayed to myself. He asked me who Jordan was, I responded and said he's my friend.

Soon after I asked him who Henny was, Landon was silent. He said Henny is none of my concern, I got up and walked away causing him to follow me throughout his house.

I locked myself in his bathroom crying my eyes out, he unlocked the door and said that Henny is no one she's just an old friend I used to chill with.

"Why do you care about Henny" Landon said, tears fell from my eyes I told him that she commented a ❤️ under his post. He assured me that nothing was going on and I believed him.

Landon questioned me and said just because another bitch commented shit doesn't mean you go out with another nigga the same day.

"That's hoe shit" he said.

He walked closer to me and held my face in the palm of his hands. Landon then apologized to me for putting his hands on me more than once he said he would never do it again. Landon said he's sorry for publicly embarrassing and he would also work on his anger issues.

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