2 ; the call

7 2 1

When you get home you actually start to process what just happened. I.. got invited to join a band?! You pondered. After eating a snack you immediately searched Queen up on everything. What you found was absolutely amazing. They were already super famous?! Or I mean.. not super.. but 1K listeners a month?! That's a lot. You thought.

You went to bed at 1AM because you were so nervous about what was going to happen. The next day, you couldn't even eat you were so excited. I do live alone.. so a hobby would probably be good. You ponder to yourself. Next thing you call them. "Hello dear this is Freddie Mercury speaking what do you need?" Freddie picked up. You thought.

"H-hello? It's Y/N" you say nervously. "Ah Y/N! Yes. Have you made up your answer?" he stated. "Yes." You report. "I want to join the band." "Amazing darling!" He chimed. "I know this is sudden but.. we have practice today. Could you come?" Your stomach turns of the thought, but this was such an amazing opportunity. "I suppose I can make it." You called. "Are you sure? We just met yesterday.." he inquires. "Of course!" You insist.

"Alright Y/N.. let's meet 18.00 at ******* okay?" He requested. "Okay. See you then Freddie!" You smile.

After we hung up I decided to get into the shower and get ready. Then it hit you. I'm gonna meet the drummer for the first time! I have to look extra good for a great impression! You get into a Levi's shirt, some flared dark blue jeans, a leather jacket and some converse. After grabbing ur bass you get into my car and start driving there. Holy shit I'm nervous you think, pulling into the driveway of the building.


Okay this ones like uhh really long sorry😜 anyways hope u enjoyed pls give suggestions 🤪🤪

-Creator, Lan😋

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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