Chapter 4: Deception Forest

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"But the cabbages were by far the best," Cinnamon finished. He had been telling Emily all about his garden experience. "I was full for weeks after munching on those delectable greens!"

After departing from Soraan's cottage, Emily and Cinnamon had gone northeast as Soraan had instructed. Cinnamon had acted as Emily's tour guide ever since they had left, since he had traveled the path to the palace a few times. Cinnamon now pointed his paw towards a dusty wooden post with two signs nailed onto it.

"The crossroads," Cinnamon announced proudly. "One road leads to the palace, and the other road leads to..." he squinted, trying to read the sign in the midday sun. "Deception forest! My mother told me about that! I thought it was just an old jackalope tale. A sure shortcut straight to the gates of the palace!"

"That's great, Cinnamon!" Emily exclaimed. "But why is it called Deception forest?"

"I don't know. Somebody thought it sounded nice, I guess."

Emily had a few more questions, but Cinnamon had leapt off, calling back to her, "Come on, slowpoke, the sooner we get to Queen Rosemary, the better! Don't you wish you had my strong build now!"

Emily rolled her eyes and ran to catch up to Cinnamon. She narrowly missed colliding with a thick log, noticing with jealousy how Cinnamon easily cleared it with a high jump from his powerful hind legs. As she entered the trees, a thick fog rolled in, leaving Emily with an ominous feeling. The sun, which was just previously shining brightly, had completely gone out of sight. Everywhere she turned, there were trees. Emily couldn't even remember which direction she had started from.

After a while, Emily, breathing heavily from overexertion, slowed to a walk. Her lungs burned, and she had a growing stitch in her side. How long had she been running? A minute? An hour? She couldn't see Cinnamon anymore, so she sat down on a mossy patch of ground, figuring that when Cinnamon realized she wasn't with him, he'd double back.

Emily didn't realize how dark it had gotten in so little time. She shivered, feeling a gusty draft of wind run through her hair, pulling it away from her neck. She hoped Cinnamon had realized he had lost her. Otherwise . . .Emily shuddered at the thought of being stuck in a dark forest alone. Maybe even overnight. She had only been camping once or twice with her family, and even then, she had a nice warm sleeping bag and a tent.

Emily reached into the burlap sack Soraan had given them, taking one of the canteens of water, and bringing it to her parched lips. She hadn't realized how much in her life she had taken for granted. Crisp, clean water for one. And food. Her family, a nice warm house, her bed . . .If I find my family and get back home, Emily thought miserably. I'll be just fine with my parents moving. I just hope they're here, or this will hve been all a waste of time. . .

After a thoughtfully rationed meal, Emily pulled her now ragged and dirty sweater tighter around her and curled up on the ground. Emily had little sleep, filled with horrible nightmares about a giant black wildcat with a lion's mane. On his shoulder was a huge falcon with cruel dark eyes. "Emily." the large beast said. "You cannot escape me. I have survived death before. Soon I will wake. And when I do, I will be king of Animalian forever!" The wildcat threw back his head, letting out a mighty roar.

Emily gasped, jerking upright. She looked around wildly for the huge cat but saw nothing. Just a dream, she reminded herself. Just a dream. A very weird, creepy, realistic dream. . . She shivered in the cold early morning. Or what she guessed was the cold early morning. She couldn't tell in this crazy forest. Emily drifted in and out of consciousness, having nightmares about the big black wildcat. She was at a campfire, warm and safe, when a huge paw extinguished the flames with one swipe. She startled awake again.

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