The Deciples of Ignaius

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"If you really want to do something for me," Tanier eventually suggested as he was relaxing with Variel in his arms, "please tell me what Visorro-Kior told you. About himself, about his history and his interests. I would also like to hear your opinion about him."

Variel flinched a little at the mention of Visorro-Kior. It made him start to worry again, worry about why the king was so interested in him. "Um... W-well, he... he didn't tell me much. He only said that he sailed here when he was a young boy, accompanying his sister, lady Ayt-Airy. She was going to wed Lord Jeris, and he would have had no one fit to care for him. He told me he likes to ride, dance, and fight, and that he can also play music and sing."

Variel tilted his head back, trying to think of what to say next, how to word it. He was afraid of saying something that might upset Tanier. "A-as for my opinion of him, he... seems to be rather... carefree, as if nothing really affects him. Everyone else at the feast was tense and afraid, but he seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself. He is... charismatic, I suppose. I... don't really know much more..."

"It seems he is a man with many talents," Tanier stated. Now this was rather obvious, yet his tone indicated that the statement was an ambiguous one. "You may want to talk to him some more, he mentioned a few interesting facts about Xero Alturus to me." He was wondering, if he should invite the man to have lunch with him and Variel. Now he was in equal parts curious, how the man would behave and talk with both of them present, and concerned that he may not open up to the same degree, if he was not alone with him. He got the distinctive feeling so far that he tailored his words and behaviour to the person he was talking to and was not sure, if this was a good or a bad thing. At least it seemed so far that the man had told Tanier the truth regarding his conversation with Variel, at least so far he had not heart anything from Variel that contradicted any of what Visorro-Kior had told him. It was still early enough to meet him alone and have lunch together later.

"I will try to talk to him some more now. And I may want to see you for lunch. But I suppose you had no intention to leave your room any time soon anyway, or did you?"

Even with the blindfold on, the surprise was visible in Variel's face and body language upon hearing that Visorro-Kior might know some things about Xero that he did not. The man hadn't seemed to really know anything at dinner. His thoughts on that stopped so that he could pay attention as Tanier spoke again.

"No, I don't think I will be going anywhere, since I need an escort and... am not exactly welcome here. I think it's best for me and everyone else if I just stay put unless there's an actual need." He reached up to stifle a yawn. "I will just... take a short nap and clean up, I suppose."

"You should really see more of the castle and the city. Maybe not today, but before we leave. You will never know, when you may have a chance to come back. I understand that security can be a pain, but you better get used to it. I should have pointed this out more clearly, but by consenting to marry me your ability to move around alone and on your own has been reduced to very few selected places."

Tanier placed a kiss on Variel's chest, ending his loving explorations, and removed the blindfold.

Variel blinked at the sudden intrusion of light, but it didn't take too long for his eyes to adjust. He peered up at Tanier silently for a time, just feeling the urge to gaze at him before they would part way, which he expected to happen in the next few minutes. "...I understand... I have been rather restricted since the day I arrived at the Royal Palace, and even more so since Lady Elina's accusations. I am... growing used to it." This might not have been a good thing, but at least complacency would make him less likely to do something reckless.

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