An Icy Welcome

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Tanier enjoyed a bath and some time to himself, before he called for his servants, including all the specialists to get him dressed and styled. This wasn't Stoneshield Keep. The people of this country were proud of being sophisticated and cultured, so it was not only important to invest time and consideration on his appearance, but even more important to make the effort visible. His outfit selected for tonight did literally shine, made from rich fabrics and decorated with embroidery in gold and silver, while assorted jewlery provided additional highlights. The cut and pattern made creative use of traditional northern dress, yet made it a stand alone piece. Thus it communicated his wish to honor local traditions as much as his rank, as the splendor and style was clearly unique. When he got up and started to move around, he noticed how uncomfortable it was, but then the purpose was not to be comfortable, but to impress. On the upside, he would not have a hangover tomorrow, as getting drunk was considered rude and not fitting a noble, much less a king.

He was glad to find Elina waiting for him and she was at his arm again, as he entered the banquet hall. Long tables were set up along the walls, leaving an empty space for entertainment later in the night. Music had set in as soon as he entered and kept playing as he was making his way to the high table a small spectacle for everyone to watch. He and Jirak had been placed at either side of Ayt-Airy, followed by other members of both houses, so that members of the royal family and House Costell would alternate. That way Variel ended up next to Visorro-Kior and one of Jeris' nieces.

When the procedures were observed, the food and drink was served. Everything was much tamer, much more subdued and cordial than at a feast further southwest, even in the beginning. Of course, the king was given first choice from every dish, followed by the prince, then the leaders of House Costell, and then everyone else at the head table.

As usual, Variel took very little food. He'd never been one to eat much. He realized as he looked around that he was the most plainly dressed person at this feast. His preferred tones of gray, burgundy, and navy, along with a lack of jewelry and limited accents, almost made him feel like a commoner compared to everyone here. Perhaps he really did fit in back home in that way. Strange how his attempt not to stand out made him do so here.

"Is that all you're eating, boy? Come now, take some pork! Some steak!" Visorro-Kior clapped Variel on the wrist, making him wince a little at the touch of a stranger. "I heard you mountain-dwellers love your hearty meals and good drink!"

Being flanked by members of House Costell was more than the usual discomfort of a feast and social situation, and Variel suspected he wouldn't even be able to stomach the small portion he already had. "I... I am afraid I am... a-an exception, my lord."

The man shorted. "No, no, just call me Vis. I am hardly a Lord in these lands. Relax! You look so tense!"

In truth, everyone was tense. The members of House Costell put on their finery, smiles, and manners, but it was clear that the conflict and the fear boiled just below the surface, desperately contained. Visorro-Kior seemed the only one immune to it.

At the beginning the situation was clearly awkward. The fact that the king behaved as if nothing was out of the ordinary possibly made it even more so, at least for everyone who knew about the arrangements made behind closed doors. Yet eating together inevitably helped to make the tension less palpable, it was difficult to share a meal and not relax a little. All during the meal Tanier made polite conversation with Elina and occasionally her mother, complimenting the food and the decoration, asking about the Shaded Coast, retelling stories from earlier visits - everything that was a most ordinary and most acceptable topic for the occasion.

At the end of the meal the Lady raised her glass to offer a toast to the king. Everyone paying attention would notice that she stick to the traditional form and the bare minimum. Next the king stood up to thank her and raise his glass in return: "To the lady of the house, who has arranged this wonderful feast. To house Costell, to flourish in the service to the realm, and to the safe return of everyone who is not here tonight, especially Lord Jeris."

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