Tragedy day

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Pissboy and Toilet Seat were fighting alongside each other against their worst enemy called Mr. Wipe. In Mr. Wipes evil villain scary base. Mr. Wipe has superpowers that can control someone's mind when making eyecontact with each other.

As they're fighting, Pissboy punches Mr. Wipe super hard and Mr. Wipe flies backward, hitting a brick wall. Mr. Wipe fell back on the ground on his knees, looking down at the ground. Pissboy and Toilet Seat slowly approach Mr. Wipe.

The closer the two get, the louder they hear crying noises. They notice that Mr. Wipe is crying and freeze, not knowing what to do.

"Why am I doing this?" Pissboy and Toilet Seat hear coming from Mr. Wipe's mouth. Toilet Seat and Pissboy don't say anything, just complete silence.

Suddenly Mr. Wipe starts crying louder and says "I think I don't want to be a villain anymore.". Then they look up at Pissboy and Toilet Seat.

Toilet Seat and Pissboy look at Mr. Wipe in his eyes and notice how beautiful their eyes are and instantly fall in love. Suddenly, they can't control their own body.

Toilet Seat starts moving on their own and stands on a platform and chains themselves up against a pole, and feels like they can finally move their own body again. But can't actually move cause they're chained up on a really long pole.

Then suddenly Pissboy makes a fist with his right hand and puts it in his mouth. Then using his piss power, which makes him choke. "NOOOO!!! PISSBOY!!!" Toilet Seat screams while starting to cry and watching Pissboy choke. Mr. Wipe just looks at Pissboy, staring.

Then Pissboy falls to the ground, as he hits the ground his body stops moving. Toilet Seat then starts crying so much their vision starts getting blurry.

Mr. Wipe starts walking to a control panel, elegantly. Then he presses a button and the platform with the pole where Toilet Seat is tied to starts moving. Then the platform stops and Toilet Seat looks down. They see diarrhea lava. Toilet Seat is scared and starts panicking. Then the platform starts slowly moving down as Toilet Seat starts screaming bloody murder. Their feet touch the diarrhea lava and it burns.

Then eventually their whole body is inside the diarrhea lava and they die.

The end🦕💨

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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