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CHAPTER FIVEThe Veranda, Miles' Island — 17:16 p

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The Veranda, Miles' Island — 17:16 p.m.


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—— "I'VE HAD SOME QUITE AGGRESSIVE messages from Janae, Iris,” Miles spoke as the girl dropped down into the couch bench beside Peg, her hair dried from taking a dip in the pool

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—— "I'VE HAD SOME QUITE AGGRESSIVE messages from Janae, Iris,” Miles spoke as the girl dropped down into the couch bench beside Peg, her hair dried from taking a dip in the pool. She had her sunglasses back on and she pulled out her book again when the man said a word.

“Oh,” Iris said in response, flipping the page with her thumb.

“You’ve really got to take a hold of your writing time,” Miles continued, ignoring the fact that Iris was making it clear she didn’t want to speak on the subject. Even the ever-oblivious Birdie understood the tone of the situation. “Push back other activities, really delve into your work. I think the only way you can really begin to understand your storyline, your characters, your endgame, is to become it. Make it actually happen. That’s where experience comes into play.”

“Oh, interesting,” Iris sighed, putting down her book onto her lap, pushing her sunglasses down to the end of her nose. Whiskey appeared from where the veranda opened up onto the deck of the pool, eyeing the rising tension with wariness, as was Peg and Birdie. “I wonder, Miles, have you ever written a book yourself?”

“It’s not about writing a book, Iris,” Miles chuckled, still not clocking everyone else’s shared glances. “It’s about living it. Making your readers believe that you know what it’s like to be put in that situation, make it realistic to the protagonist’s choices. Because if you can’t believe it, is it really worth picking up in the first place?”

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