Chapter VI An Early Death

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     The city of Waterrim sprawled out before them. Markets overrun with thieves and taverns filled with drunken sailors. The cobbled streets were bustling and not very well kept. Leaning makeshift apartments sat atop repurposed warehouses. Some docks with broken boards were under repairs or empty. Simple families weaved in and out of the crowds, trying to stay off the streets. Chelease, Leon, and Hikari pushed through the crowd and purchased goods at a few vendors. They met at the far gate of Waterrim and traded amongst themselves for a few minutes making sure they had everything they needed. They traded food, water, and patches for clothing.

     "I thought we would see more of the city," Leon said. "I mean, this is our first time seeing it."

     "We'll be back," Chelease assured, "but for now we need to report to Iz."

     "Fine, until next time then," Leon said waving to the city as they departed to the north.

     This time, they would follow the road to the Capital City. However, before getting too far, they would cut across backcountry to get to the Tower as fast as possible. There were no roads to the Tower, only rivers. None of them could afford a ferry, so they had to walk.

     After walking for some time, Leon halted them. They sky grew dark and cold. The shrubbery was wilted, and large pointed rocks dominated the area. The only trees were fallen or dead. Nothing good grew around them.

     "A very powerful necromancer has been through here," Leon warned. "Stay alert. I smell death."

     They walked again for some distance until the dead plants opened into a large plain with sparse grass and gravestones everywhere. Three figures stood before them. One had the face of a man, but had razors for teeth. Catlike eyes and ears dominated his features. The one to his right stood slouched with a small backpack and thin glasses. The one to his left stood tall and stoic. He wore a full set of armor and did not reveal his face.

     "Our necromancers?" Chelease asked.

     "They smell like death," Leon said.

     "Welcome," greeted the one with catlike features. "My name is Pride, to my right is Sloth, and my left is Envy. Would you like to play a game?"

     "Great, they've named themselves after deadly sins," Chelease responded.

     "The game is called: Who Dies First," Pride sneered.

     "These aren't people," Leon said. "They're demons."

     "What?" Chelease asked. Pride sprung forward and knocked Leon unconscious.

     "Now, now, don't spoil our fun," Pride tutted.

     Chelease swung with her twinblade at Pride, but Envy quickly caught it in his armored hand.

     "Demons?" Hikari asked.

     "They haven't walked our plane for a millennium," Chelease said.

     "Now, you're just trying to hurt my feelings," Pride said. "Talking like I'm not right in front of you. Tsk, tsk."

     Envy rendered Hikari unconscious in one swift movement. Chelease pulled her blade free and swung at Pride's face cutting his cheek. Pride and Envy jumped backwards to where Sloth still stood.

     "Come now Envy, let us report back," Sloth said. "The girl was no threat all along."

     Envy grunted and followed Sloth away. Pride drew a long estoc and pointed it at Chelease.

     "Looks like you die first, girl," Pride said. "Or maybe, I'll make you watch as I dismember your friends."

     "No one is dying today," Chelease said. She sprung forward swinging down at Pride with both hands on her handle. Pride dodged to her left and swung upward. His blade caught her elbow and tore through the bone and flesh. Her forearm fell to the ground with her blade. Chelease fell to her knees. She slowly looked down at her hand on the ground and screamed. A long wail echoed across the plain.

     "Come now, don't give up yet. I'm not done playing," Pride said, licking his lips.

     Chelease grabbed her blade and stood. She charged again screaming in pain. She tried to stab, but found herself on the ground again. Pride was moving so quickly that she couldn't track his movements. She looked down to see her right leg was missing. Blood pooled all around her. Her vision became blurry, and she could barely see Pride in front of her. He grabbed her by her blood matted hair and pulled her up. Chelease's life flashed before her eyes. As Pride's estoc plunged deeply into Chelease's chest, she could see Hikari and Leon lying on the ground behind Pride. Pride was laughing as he dropped Chelease and walked over to Leon.

     As the light of the world faded. Chelease filled with a great, great hatred. Her vision filled with red and the blood around her began to boil. As she let out what she thought would be her final breath, she used the blood to push her into Pride. As she hit him, she reached into his chest and pulled out his twisted, black heart. The demon vaporized laughing at her. Chelease fell to the ground and rolled to look at the sky. All she could see was the washed out blue of the sky. Leon and Hikari awoke and ran to her side.

     "Don't you dare, don't you dare close your eyes," Leon cried.

     Hikari stood and walked away. She couldn't watch another friend die; not like this. Leon hugged Chelease closely. Her eyes became blank and lifeless. Leon held her and cried.

     "Don't do this...I was just beginning to understand like you," Leon said. "I've never had friends. You and Hikari are it. Stay with us."

     "Leon," Hikari said looking him in the eye.

     "No, I want her to live," Leon said. Green light and smoke swirled around him and Chelease.

     Hikari was beginning to understand what was happening in this messed up world she found herself in.

     "Leon!" Hikari yelled.

     "I want her back! I don't have any other friends," Leon said. The green light intensified, and Chelease's corpse began to moan, but not breathe.

     "Stop!" Hikari yelled. She ran forward and kicked Leon off of Chelease. Her corpse fell back into its sleep. She punched Leon for good measure as he curled up into a ball to defend himself. She looked back at Chelease.

     "Why did she have to... Why wasn't I strong enough?" Leon asked himself. "If I weren't so weak, I could've actually fought. If I wasn't so buried in my heroic persona, I would've killed them before they could attack. Chelease was right, I can't save anyone like this."

     "Shut up," Hikari said.

     "What?" Leon asked.

     "Shut the hell up," Hikari commanded. "She just died for you, and all you can do is grovel on the floor trying to raise the dead. If I remember what you said on the boat correctly, you said you'd never use necromancy. Yet, here you are. Using Chelease's corpse like a sick doll."

     This broke Leon inside. This was the first time he had ever seen a friend die. This was also the first time he had ever tried to resurrect someone using necromancy. He never thought he'd stoop so low as to use this forbidden art. It made him feel hollow inside.

     "I intend to make it back to the Tower and finish the mission Chelease set out to do," Hikari said. "I have a report to deliver. Now you can either become your father and bring her back to life, or you can bury her with respect. I'll let you decide, but if I see you with a corpse following you around the next time we meet, I won't hesitate to end your pathetic existence."

     Hikari continued to follow the road north. Leon looked at Chelease's face and her empty eyes. He scooped her up and buried her in the field of gravestones. He grabbed a large rock and placed it at her head. He worked meticulously to inscribe it. When he finished, he rose to his feet and began walking west. The stone read: A strong and brave friend who died saving others for no reason other than she had to.

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