Chapter 10

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Bella came right on time, her truck pulling up on the drive way.

Valentine walked up to the truck that should be holding the bike he'd told her to bring.

Jake took the tarf of the truck, reviling an old motorcycle that no longer worked. Jake put both his hand on the bike, ready to lift it.

"It actually really heavy..." Bella drifted off, staring in shock as Jake early lifted the bike and set it on the ground.

"J-jake your like, buff. How did that happen, your like what- 16? I don't get it." Bella questioned in astonishment, her eyes wide in wonder.

"Age it just a number, what are you, like 40 now?" Jake questioned, and Valentine snorted quietly. Bella poster had gone a bit stiff as she shifted on her feet.

Jake rolled the bike, and Bella said softly, "feels like that sometimes." As they made there way into the garage.


They- they as in Jake, had been working on the bike for about 30 minutes now. Bella was still walking around the garage like it was dangerous unfamiliar territory, though in her defense is kind of was. Sharp tools that only Jake knew how to use seemingly at ever corner. Valentine watched as Jake turn on some soft music to dispell the silence.

Val was settled on a stool behind jake, watching as he got back to his work, expertly handling the ranch.

"So... are we gonna do this every day?" Bella asked, finally sitting down on a old wooden chair.

"Maybe," Valentine answered with a shrug. Jake gave him a glance, silently asking if he was ok with that and Val gave a reassuring smile.

"Ok," Bella smiled, "but we have to fit homework in here, I don't won't bill think I'm a bad influence." Bella said, a smile on her face. Valentine looked at his sister, eyes giving away nothing. Jake decided to brake the awkward silence that began to settle over them.

"You influence me? Please," Jake said, not looking at Bella as his eyes still focused on his work.

"Are you- I'm older then you so that makes me the influencer and you the influency," Bella explained, a laugh in her voice. Valentine stared to smile, he new what was going to happen. Jake never liked when people used there age as an argument.

Jake turned to look at Bella. "Nah, no, no, no. My size and knowledge base actually makes me older than you, because of your general naivety and lack of know how." Jake explained, turning back to his work.

"My brother literally convinced you to build two wheel death machines with me," the two being the one that Jake already had, "so don't you think that makes you kind of young and naive?" Bella asked.

"Okay, if we're going to use your logic Bella, you're both are pretty young and now you've compared to me as I'm older than both of you, I make Straight A's, and I'm skilled at both dancing and fighting." Valentine interpreted, a smirk on his unblemished face.

"Says the one who can't cook at save his life, also only by fi e minutes," Bella defendant.

"Yeah, also the only tool you knew where a nail and a hammer!" Jake said with a sexy pout.

Valentine faked gasped as the two seemingly gang up on him. "Wow ok, Bella you left Vasco to my car for five months, and Jake- um- well- my dick is longer then yours!" Valentine finally got out. Jake stiffed a gasp, his face a bit red, but he didn't hesitate in saying, "mines thicker, so it doesn't matter!"

"Ok there are children here!" Bella yelled, pointing to herself. There was silence for about three seconds before they all busted out laughing. When they quited down, Jake asked "Ok, so where do we stand?" Little chuckles leaving his plump lips.

The question was asked to the oddest, both eyes on Valentine. Valentine hummed, before saying, "I'm 35, Bellas 33, and your 32." Valentine answered, nodding his head.

"Oh come on," Bella groaned before there was a knock on the door.

"Yo, Jake you in there?"

"It's ok, it just my boys," Jake said to Bella who stiffen up.

"Bella that Quail and Emory," Jake introduced the to guys who walked in.

"I'm Quailataro," Quail said flirtatious.

Valentine rolled his eyes, god the was such a fuck boy sometimes. He better not say something stupid.

"So the bike building storys true?" Quail said, making it more of a statement.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I taught him everything he knows," Bella laugheds playfully.

"What about the part where your hus girlfriend?" Quail asked, a smirk on his heaven as he looked a Valentine. God he didn't like that dude.

"Shut up Quail, you know dame well that ass belongs to me," Valentine sneered, eyes hard as he glared at the prick. He couldn't tell if Quail was homophobic or just a ass, but he wouldn't tell Jake who not to be friends with.

"Yeah, whatever," Quail rolled his eyes.

"You know Quails taking his cousin to prom?" Jake asked, murth in his brown eyes.

"Yeah that still a riot, you know what's funny black, I'll give you funny." Quail laughs as he charges for Jake. They laugh as the fight each other.

Emory walked up to Valentine "Got five bucks on Quail," Emory bet. Val smirked and took a quick look at the fight.

"Your on," Valentine agreed with a shake of his head.

It was safe to say Valentine was five dollars richer by the time they left.

\ _____ /

As weeks past of them working on the bike, and this time not just Jake, Valentine noticed Bella's being to get better. It was fun, the time they all spent together. Maybe thus wasn't such a bad idea.

It was about lunch time when they left the garage when Valentine said. "Quail keeps asking to come over, I think he like you a little to much," with a gentle shove to her shoulder.

"I'm not into the the whole cougar thing, you know?" Bella asked as they walked.

"What up with you and age?" Jake asked, "how old was that collen guy?" He questioned. Bella had gone stiff as she reached her car, she didn't answer as she got in, sayed a quick 'see you later' and was off.


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