Chaper nine

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"Ok, what going on between you and Benji?" Valentine asked. The two where usually inseparable, but ever since Callum got the flu, they where rarely seen together.

Callum looked over at Val, as if just noticing him. "He avoiding me," Callum answered, voice empty. Valentine was visibly shocked.

"Bens... avoiding you?" Valentine asked incredulously.

"Yep, cause I kissed him, now he won't come ten feet by me." Callum explained, voice morbid and light brown eyes seeming lost.

"You gonna talk to him?" Val asked, a frown of on his lips.

"If he stop running off, yeah."

"Got it, be on the tracks after school," Valentine order, not bothering to get a answer as he walked off. He was going to find Benjamin Jared James and drag him by the nape neck if that what was needed for him to man the fuck up and finally get with the men he's been crazy for since he new his left from his right.

He ended up finding to giant redhead in the library, not reading, but playing cand crush on his phone.

"Ben!" Valentine yelled, scarring the crap out of him.

"S-shit, what's up Valentine?" Benji asked.

Valentine dropped on a chair, eyes pircing as he analyzed him. He had bags under his eyes, he seemed nervous, and he would look Val in his eyes.

"Talk to Callum, if you don't, some will and you won't get the chance again." It was a simple statement, and most likely true.


"Callum told me he kissed you, now your avoiding him. You need to get your shit together and talk to him before he decides you don't want him and go to someone who does." Valentine told him, eyes hard and unyielding.

"Of course I like him!" Benjamin yelp, a deep flush on his cheeks.

"Then stop avoiding him," Valentine said, "he gonna be on the tracks after school. If you like him as much as you claim you do, go there a d talk to him." Valentine turned and was about to walk away when he stoped in his tracks.

"Is Cal a top!" Ben blurted out. Valentine slowly turn around, the flush on Benji cheeks now a hot shade of red.

"And why would I know this?" Valentine questioned slowly.

"B-because you and Cal both talk about really kinky things?" It was more of a question then a statement.

"Is that what scares you. That Callum gonna wanna fuck that virgin tight ass of yours?" Valentine asked, a smirk playing his face. When Benji only inflamed more, Valentine knew his answer.

"He's dominant, but he mostly likes to bottom. He's a kinky son of a bitch though. He likes to top, but he loves bottoming and still being in control." Valentine answered. It was highly suger coated compared to what Callum had actually told him about his sexual preferences. There taste when it cam to sex where pretty similar, but when it came to men, it was a complete one-eighty.

"You ok with that?" Valentine asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, thanks." Benji smiled, nodding his head.

"Good, later dude." And Valentine was off.


Valentine 3:33- Ok come to Jake's place at five o'clock

Bella 3:34- seriously?! Ur not playing right

Valentine 3:38- no now stfu before a regret it

Bella 3:38- u won't I promise!

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